Actually I found your website on FreeBSD a while ago, a good run through of how to get going with a FreeBSD based system. The site had a girl jester image in red and black on its home page then.

I have used FreeBSD a bit, and even tried a few of the other BSD's including Dragonfly with its Hammer2 file system, all on bare metal, but as I've generally been on Macbook Pro's for the last few years there's always something that is either a pain to get working or just doesn't work correctly. (Broadcom WiFi for starters, or trackpad issues)
It's rock solid as a server of course!

I think Linux is moving quite a long way from its Unix compatible roots these days, with systemd and the like. I do like Fedora though, it has always been one of the few Linux distros that 'just works' on a Macbook without jumping through hoops.