View Full Version : Fluxion Kali Linux [*] Error, path points to non-existing or empty hash file

2022-11-02, 22:04
when I am asked to enter an absolute Path what should I enter?

If I insert this path to a file created by me it gives me an error


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[ FLUXION 6.9 < Fluxion Is The Future > ]
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Inserisci il percorso del file di handshake (Esempio: /.../dump-01.cap)
To go back, leave the hash path blank.

Path assoluto: /home/anto/Scrivania/handshake/dump-01.cap
Error, path points to non-existing or empty hash file.

Fred Sheehan
2022-12-06, 23:58
You need to convert capture files into the 2200 hash format that fluxion understands. You can do this with hcxtools
