View Full Version : Unkaputtbar installed but not available on boot screen

2023-01-28, 22:10
Hello there!

I just finished installing latest full kali version on my laptop, it is in dual boot with Win10.
Kali?s installation went through (using btrfs). i updated, upgraded.
I followed this walkthrough : https://www.kali.org/docs/installation/btrfs/#kali-linux-btrfs-installation-steps
everything seems fine (snapper gui shows snapshots of my last reboots and event one i created) but the "kali gnu/linux snapshot" doesn?t appear on the grub screen :(

is there any configuration i need to change? update?

thanks for your time

Fred Sheehan
2023-02-02, 17:54
One of the wonderful things about Linux is it comes with its own manual, from a command line;

man snapper

or you could look at the releveant help pages here;


2023-02-15, 20:06
Hello, and thank you

First of all, it wasn?t clear to me that unkaputtbar was snapper.io,
i went through the documentation but it seems diffirent from my system.
It tells about opensuse, i thought kali was based on debian
also i see informations about grub2 but seems like kali uses grub

so if anyone faced same issue or has more directives about were to look, that would be a big help

Fred Sheehan
2023-02-19, 03:31
snapper is an openSUSE product that has been ported to other systems, thats why I linked openSUSE site for 'how to use' as they created it..
