View Full Version : How to install Latest Google Chrome

Gr4nD T3R0R
2013-04-05, 20:15
1. Download google chrome from here : https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/
copy it to desktop rename it "chrome.deb"
2. open terminal type " cd Desktop " then dpkg -i chrome.deb and when u open menu in internet menu u will see Google Chrome
if ur getting error follow me :)
1. open ur terminal type "ar xf chrome.deb"
it will extract -> debian-binary ,data.tar.lzma,control.tar.gz
now type in terminal " tar xf data.tar.lzma "
it wll extract => 3 folder -> opt ,etc,usr now just select them and move them to FILESYSTEM it will ask something "JUST CHECK THE CHCECKBOX "MERGE ALL"
and merge them
now we have to extract control.tar.gz so type " tar zxvf control.tar.gz "
it will extract -> postrm,prerm,control and postinst
select "postrm,prerm,control and postinst and debian-binary and move them to /opt/google/chrome
now just right click on "Google Chrome" NOT --> google-chrome in the chrome directory now go to permissions
check the " EXECUTE : ALLOW EXECUTING FILE AS PROGRAM" CLICL CLOSE now open terminal again
and type " apt-get install hexedit "
when hexedit is installed
now type " cd /opt/google/chrome/ "
root@localhost:/opt/google/chrome# ->now type " hexedit chrome "
CLICK TAB i think u know where the tab key is :P
now " CTRL+S "
search for " geteuid " without quotes
modify with getppid
here see the image
ctrl+X to exit then press y for saving changes
sorry for my bad english hope i helped u :)

2013-04-05, 21:11
HI :) i'm used this method
open iceweasel & download ""your-version"".deb (version for debian) (https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/?hl=en&brand=CHMA&utm_campaign=en&utm_source=en-ha-row-bk&utm_medium=ha)
dpkg -i ""your-version"".deb (in terminal)
leafpad /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome (in terminal)
# ADD THIS IN THE END OF LAST LINE # --user-data-dir #save&exit
type in terminal google-chrome or CREATE a NEW link into menĂ¹(internet)

Gr4nD T3R0R
2013-04-06, 09:52
HI :) i'm used this method
open iceweasel & download ""your-version"".deb (version for debian) (https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/?hl=en&brand=CHMA&utm_campaign=en&utm_source=en-ha-row-bk&utm_medium=ha)
dpkg -i ""your-version"".deb (in terminal)
leafpad /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome (in terminal)
# ADD THIS IN THE END OF LAST LINE # --user-data-dir #save&exit
type in terminal google-chrome or CREATE a NEW link into menĂ¹(internet)
it works .but always dpkg -i chrome.deb doesnt works

2013-04-06, 12:23
it works .but always dpkg -i chrome.deb doesnt works

with your kind permission:

2013-04-09, 04:55
Works for me :)

2013-04-09, 05:52
Repost from THS ;

I was getting annoyed with IceWeasel not working properly with Mega, so wanted to install Chrome.
Obviously there are security implications with running Chrome as root, but if you want to try it out,
here is how its done.

Download the deb package from www.google.com/chrome
(you can browse to the page in IceWeasel and it will have the deb as standard, I then chose the 32bit version)

Install the package with ;

dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb

Now to add it to the menu.

Go to ;
Applications -> Accessories -> Main Menu

Click on the Internet icon on the left, and click the 'New Item' button on the right.
Enter information;

Name: Google Chrome
Command: google-chrome



When then trying to run Chrome from the menu, an error message pops up advising unable to run as root
and that to run as root you must specify an alternate --user-data-dir for storage of profile information.

So lets do that, browse to ;
File System -> opt -> google -> chrome

Open the file google-chrome with a text editor and on the last line;

exec -a "$0" "$HERE/chrome" "$@"

add the below text;



Save and exit.

Now when running from menu, all should be hunky dory.

2013-06-03, 08:01
It took me a couple of goes but eventually I got it installed. OPs method works nicely.