View Full Version : PROBLEMS (???) found (User Group & Clean up script .desktop files)

2013-12-27, 18:03
:confused: 1st of all i dont know the things below are bugs, or something else ....


There is no 'pcscd' group, that udevd needs, (it mention this as an error in boot proccess )
Looking back in an old install, i figure out that 'pcscd' has a gid of 127, when i tried to manual create this..., it was taken :

> grep ":127" /etc/group
> sambashare:x:127:

,so i make a 'pcscd' group with gid 199 ...,
this was an almost complete free choice ( 100<gid<200 ),
so if am wrong, or incompatible in any way, please LET ME KNOW.

i make a script, in order to remove some dead .desktop files. Here is my script :


CHK_PATHS="/usr/share/applications $HOME/.local/share/applications"

for p in ${CHK_PATHS}; do
for f in $p/*.desktop; do
echo -n "\"$f\""

## get the command after the '=' and before any %arg,
## (some .desktop files, have more than one Exec fields)
efile="`grep -i "^Exec=" $f 2>/dev/null |head -1 |cut -d \= -f2- |cut -d \% -f1`"
echo -n " >$efile"

## is run throuh a shell ?
res=`echo "$efile" |grep "sh\ \-c" 2>/dev/null`
if [ -n "$res" ]; then
efile=`echo "$efile" |cut -d \" -f2- |sed s/"\""/""/ |cut -d \; -f1`
echo -n " >$efile"

## ...
efile=`echo "$efile" |cut -d \ -f1`
echo -n " >$efile"

## isnot in the PATH, then what ... ?
## ' >???' , not found in PATH
## ' >??!' , found by locate
## ' >!!!' , not found at all
res=`which $efile`
if [ -z "$res" ]; then
echo -n " >???"
res=`locate $efile|grep -v ".desktop$"`
if [ -z "$res" ]; then echo -n " >!!!"; else echo -n " >??! $res"; fi

then i exec it :

usys-desktop-files |grep "\ >???"

and i found theese :

"/usr/share/applications/kali-dnsrecon.desktop" >sh -c "dnsrecon.py -h;${SHELL:-bash}" >dnsrecon.py -h >dnsrecon.py >??? >/usr/share/dnsrecon/dnsrecon.py
"/usr/share/applications/kali-mfcuk.desktop" >sh -c "mfcuk -h;${SHELL:-bash}" >mfcuk -h >mfcuk >??? >/mnt/nt-swap/ISOs/kali-linux/how-to/kali-menu-f58f8ab/desktop-files/kali-mfcuk.desktop
"/usr/share/applications/kali-mfoc.desktop" >sh -c "mfoc -h;${SHELL:-bash}" >mfoc -h >mfoc >??? >/mnt/nt-swap/ISOs/kali-linux/how-to/kali-menu-f58f8ab/desktop-files/kali-mfoc.desktop
"/usr/share/applications/kali-nasmshell.desktop" >sh -c "cd /usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools && ./nasm_shell.rb;${SHELL:-bash}" >cd /usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools && ./nasm_shell.rb >cd >??? >/boot/grub/cdboot.img
"/usr/share/applications/kali-patterncreate.desktop" >sh -c "cd /usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools && ./pattern_create.rb;${SHELL:-bash}" >cd /usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools && ./pattern_create.rb >cd >??? >/boot/grub/cdboot.img
"/usr/share/applications/kali-patternoffset.desktop" >sh -c "cd /usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools && ./pattern_offset.rb;${SHELL:-bash}" >cd /usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools && ./pattern_offset.rb >cd >??? >/boot/grub/cdboot.img
"/usr/share/applications/kali-powersploit.desktop" >sh -c "cd /usr/share/powersploit/ && ls;${SHELL:-bash}" >cd /usr/share/powersploit/ && ls >cd >??? >/boot/grub/cdboot.img
"/usr/share/applications/kali-sipsak.desktop" >sh -c "sipsak -h;${SHELL:-bash}" >sipsak -h >sipsak >??? >/mnt/nt-swap/ISOs/kali-linux/how-to/kali-menu-f58f8ab/desktop-files/kali-sipsak.desktop

-1- i know my script isnot complete, (see "cd <path> && exec <cmd>") ...
-2- i correct the 'xsser' that located in /usr/local/bin and not in /usr/bin/ ...
-3- some .desktop files exist, but not installed,
-4- if someone can extend my script with a 'sed' command .... that would be great, but i think the dist itself must correct any (?) errors ...

thanks !

2014-01-10, 12:29
the same again :
after a yesterday ,

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

the `pcscd` group disappear from the /etc/group,
and its place taken by the 'sambashare' group !