View Full Version : Sha1sum

2014-07-10, 01:45
I just downloaded "Kali Linux 64 bit ISO 1.0.7 ISO Torrent 2.8G 6deb789fa05d84cd335d5afb86983119784dd978" but the " SHA1SUM is wrong Viz:'c3dc746174488960eb0f1644bac2436f' Thusss it will not work I try downloading it again but with the same result!!

2014-07-10, 08:14
You are getting sha1 mixed up with md5.
MD5 = 32 digits
SHA1 = 40 digits

SHA1: 6deb789fa05d84cd335d5afb86983119784dd978 (Offical value for "Kali Linux 64 bit ISO")
MD5: c3dc746174488960eb0f1644bac2436f (??? - All of Kali's check sums use SHA1, not MD5).

Would suggest checking it again, this time using shasum (OSX), sha1sum (Linux), or hashtab (http://www.implbits.com/hashtab.aspx) (Windows) to check the SHA1 values.