View Full Version : Metasploit WiFi Auxiliary Exploits Vanished with Kali 1.0.9

2014-10-29, 13:51

When I upgraded from Kali 1.0.7 to Kali 1.0.9, I noticed that the metasploit auxiliary dos wifi exploits are no longer part of the distribution.

Is this something you are planning to restore in future versions? I really liked using these exploits for testing wireless IPS (WIPS).

In versions prior 1.0.9, here is the content of the auxiliary dos directory:

root@kali-1:/usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/auxiliary/dos# ls
cisco hp misc samba smtp syslog wifi
dhcp http ntp sap solaris tcp windows
freebsd mdns pptp scada ssl upnp wireshark

And here is what the wifi directory contained:

root@kali-1:/usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/auxiliary/dos# ls wifi
apple_orinoco_probe_response.rb file2air.rb ssidlist_beacon.rb
cts_rts_flood.rb netgear_ma521_rates.rb wifun.rb
deauth.rb netgear_wg311pci.rb
fakeap.rb probe_resp_null_ssid.rb

Is there a reason why the WIFI exploits are no longer available? These were really helpful.


2015-02-10, 14:07
Just wondering, are you planning to reinstate that feature someday?

I just upgraded to Kali 1.1.0 and metasploit auxiliary wifi directory still missing...
