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View Full Version : p2p adb attacks?

2014-11-19, 05:08
I know that nethunter can do HID attacks on windows boxes (Is *Nix based HID attacks on the horizon?) so it seems to me that P2p ADB attacks on rooted android is the next logical step (https://github.com/kosborn/p2p-adb/) While some versions of android mitigate this attack by disabling ADB when the screen is locked and it can be stopped by disabling ADB there are still a lot of android devices out there vulnerable to this attack. Maybe have the option to install a android meterpreter instead of the app kos's toolkit installs? There is a lot of potential there.

2014-11-29, 01:05
thesle3p - You are correct phone to phone adb attacks are possible. One of the contributors to Nethunter wanted to explore doing something similar and his github repo is here:


This attack would rely on the other phone having adb enabled by default though. One possibility would be to install a malicious apk like:


2014-12-03, 14:35
i have problem while install p2p on my phone havi root & busybox installed
then i run (run.sh )on terminal
then i conneted my xperia z to my rooted device
than it shows error : device offline - how to slove this error …??

2014-12-04, 20:32
I'm the one who makes deADBolt. The unfortunate part is that the version of ADB that is installed on NetHunter is too old. I have tried compiling it myself, but have failed. It WILL be able to pull data , remove passwords and everything when I find a way to get it compiled correctly.

2014-12-19, 21:41
any updates for this?

2014-12-21, 21:00
I still need ADB and fastboot updated. I'll see about getting it done soon.