View Full Version : Solving The ESSID name limitations in programs using airbase-ng

2015-01-23, 10:14
Airbase-ng has a limitation in the coding in that you cannot add directly into the command line a essid name that has spaces when using xterm. Hence if your target has a name like:

Home Wifi

A command line like

airbase-ng -c 1 -e "Home Wifi" -b xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx -v mon0

when using xterm may
cause airbase-ng to crash

When phishing this can become a problem when using this program in the field

Oe simple work around.

Write a file named essidlist having the name Home Wifi on the first line of the file.

echo "Home Wifi" > essidlist

You now have a file in root named essidlist

Use the option --essids (i.e. read the essid from a file)

Use the following command line

airbase-ng -c 1 --essids essidlist -b XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX -v mon0

We are currently coding this option into our Aerial.sh phishing programs for field operations.

Musket Teams

2015-01-24, 10:04
nice, thanks mm33