View Full Version : AWS HVM AMI - Packer template

2015-03-13, 21:10
Hi all,

I wrote a Packer template to build an HVM compatible Kali AMI for AWS - you can see it here: https://github.com/ctarwater/packer-debian2kali-ec2

I'm in the process of scrubbing it before making it a public AMI but hopefully it'll be available soon.

I started with the official Debian HVM AMI and then tried to accurately recreate the official Kali image, using the live-build-script (http://git.kali.org/gitweb/?p=live-build-config.git;a=blob_plain;f=config/package-lists/kali.list.chroot;hb=HEAD) and cloud-build repo (https://github.com/offensive-security/kali-cloud-build/) as reference.

What I did was:

Start with base Debian install
Replace /etc/apt/sources.list with Kali repos
Install the kali metapackages listed on the live-build scripts

So, it's running Debian, with the Kali kernel and kali packages.

My question is, did I miss anything? I'm looking for a list of changes that the Kali devs make when building Kali from its Debian base.


2015-03-22, 15:14
Download Kali and dual boot. By dual booting between Debian and Kali you will avoid the possible breaking of Debian by using Kali tools in it and you'll be able to know both systems are the way their designers intended them to be. Less fussing about in the medium and long term.

2015-03-24, 01:04
Thanks for the reply, but dual booting isn't an option for AWS (Amazon Web Services) and since the Kali devs provide tools to build customized Kali for local use I'm looking to adapt the same steps for AWS.

2015-05-14, 17:41
any update on this being in the AWS marketplace? Or on offsec creating an HVM image. One of the reviews on the current AWS Kali image is that they cant use T2 instances.

2015-06-22, 18:03
Yeah, our AMI is available for free in the AWS marketplace (N. Virginia region only)

AMI ID: ami-c45a71ac
Owner: 235186345962
Name: debian2kali-1427320319

2016-03-25, 03:04
Just an update that the Packer script has been updated to the kali-rolling release so you can use it to build your own Kali HVM AMIs for AWS.

2016-08-21, 08:53
Less fussing about in the medium and long term. Or on offsec creating an HVM image