View Full Version : metasploit reboot the system

2015-03-31, 05:56
hello excuse my English and thanks for your excellent work (only one metasploit problem)

* 1-installed Nethunter 0 problems and Nexus7 2012 wifi on kitkat 4.4.4
* 2-for then updated kali necessary (OK)

apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 7D8D0BF6(OK)

3-then I will update with 0 problems through menu launcher --- kali kali update chroot (OK)

* 4-Installing openvas

a. apt-get update && apt-get install -y openvas --force-yes

b. openvas-setup && openvas-scapdata-sync && openvas-certdata-sync && openvas-check-setup && openvas-stop

c. openvasmd --create-user=admin --role=Admin

d. openvasmd --user=admin --new-password=NEWPASSWORD

e. openvas-start

openvas perfect (OK)

* 5-Metasploit
* to start msfconsole is fully restarted Nethunter
* I do try creating swap memory(

root @ kali: / # cd / var
root @ kali: / var # touch swapnethunter.img
root @ kali: / var # chmod 600 swapnethunter.img

root@kali:/var# dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swapnethunter.img bs=512k count=500

root@kali:/var# mkswap /var/swapnethunter.img

root@kali:/var# swapon /var/swapnethunter.img

to initiate restarts mfsconsole Nethunter (error)
starting from scratch without openvas also restarts, cm-11-20141112-SNAPSHOT-M12-grouper.zip also tested restarts, tested with different sizes of memory swap file sharing

Will there be another solution?