View Full Version : Alfa AWUS051NH or TL-WN722N to Nexus 7

2015-04-16, 12:06
Hello everybody,

I would like to knows yours expreience returns about this two dongles ?
Which do you recommend to a nexus 7 2013 tablet ?

I knows that alpha is compatible with 5ghz band and it could be useful for my use but I would like a reliable and stable adapter and after having traveled the forum several people said that the TP link worked fine and I have not seen much return on this adapter alpha so i would like knows your notice.


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2015-04-16, 17:28
You need a splitter cable and power pack to use other Alfa adapters so I'm not sure about the AWUS051NH. You won't need anything extra to power the TL-WN722N.

2015-04-17, 08:07
Thank you for your reply.
I actually saw these power condition to alpha card but the space is not really a problem. My question was more about the performance and stability :)