View Full Version : Kali Nethunter in a VM

2015-04-20, 19:27
Has anyone been able to install Nethunter to a VM??

2015-04-21, 16:54
For what ? The whole concept for Nethunter is based on the mobility and handy. That´s lost inside a VM.
In that case you should use Kali itself - not Nethunter.

2015-05-17, 01:13
yes and no, i have Kali, but am wondering if anyone has been able to get nethunter running in a vm.

2015-05-18, 04:36
I have no reason to do it either, but this looks like a decent starting point if you want to try it with your own time:
http://www.howtogeek.com/164570/how-to-install-android-in-virtualbox/ with it being mostly an android variant