View Full Version : Raspberry Pi 2 with N8508GS ( RTL8188CUS ) , airmon-ng not working

2015-06-23, 09:22
I have a Raspberry Pi 2 with the latest kali 1.1.1 installed on it, and with a N8508GS (RTL8188CUS) plugged in, when I type:

airmon-ng start wlan0

it is not working, not showing any chipset or driver information, seems that the driver is not installed correctly.

But I CAN connect to the wireless AC using this wireless dongle on my Pi 2, and I CAN enable the monitor mode (to mon0 ) on my kali installed computer

really wierd

I'll be so grateful for your help

2015-06-28, 20:01
I have the same chipset (RTL8188CUS) that you do and am having some issues with running it on the RPi2 build of Kali as well. I can use it when I launch gnome, but at the command line it's hit and miss at best.

I have successfully been using the same Wifi adapter on a desktop build of Kali with no additional configuration needed for the past couple months.

Can you see the wireless adapter through the GUI network manager? Can you connect to your AP when you launch Gnome?

I'm suspecting the wrong driver is installed and now I am trying to figure out how to reinstall it.

Google is great for possible solutions, but with so many flavors of Linux what seems to work on one distro, doesn't do beans on the others.