View Full Version : Kali linux 2 lite missing tools

2015-08-13, 10:43
I just installed kali linux 2 lite and all the tools missing except nmap/sqlmap/ncat.
Is that right ? any way to get all the tools installed ? :/

2015-08-13, 11:04
Yup. This is correct.
Kali Light is 1GB in size.
Kali is 3GB is in size (the extra 2GB is mostly the tools).

If you wish to get the 'standard' tools - you can install it via the meta packages.
More information:
+ https://www.kali.org/news/kali-linux-metapackages/
+ http://tools.kali.org/kali-metapackages

In short:
By running apt-get install kali-linux-full, you will upgrade the tool from from Kali Light to Kali, and still have XFCE rather than GNOME.

kali-linux (Kali Light default tools)
kali-linux-full (Kali default tools)

2015-09-30, 00:36
Yup. This is correct.
Kali Light is 1GB in size.
Kali is 3GB is in size (the extra 2GB is mostly the tools).

If you wish to get the 'standard' tools - you can install it via the meta packages.
More information:
+ https://www.kali.org/news/kali-linux-metapackages/
+ http://tools.kali.org/kali-metapackages

In short:
By running apt-get install kali-linux-full, you will upgrade the tool from from Kali Light to Kali, and still have XFCE rather than GNOME.

kali-linux (Kali Light default tools)
kali-linux-full (Kali default tools)

when i try to run this comand i get

root@kali:~# apt-get install kali-linux-full
Bus error

2015-11-02, 07:51
Hey P4tryck95,

I don't know about your "Bus error" but I had a similar problem (meta packages are not found via apt-get) and I guess I'm not the only one (https://forums.kali.org/showthread.php?20365-Kali-mini-help-Missing-packages-How-to-upgrade-to-full). Found a solution here (http://kalisana-2.blogspot.com.es/2015/08/install-packages-you-want-in-kali-linux.html).

1. Make sure you have correct repository.

2. Backup you sources.list:

mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list_BAK

3. Edit your source file:

vi /etc/apt/sources.list

4. Paste into /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://http.kali.org/kali sana main non-free contrib
deb http://security.kali.org/kali-security sana/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src http://http.kali.org/kali sana main non-free contrib
deb-src http://security.kali.org/kali-security sana/updates main contrib non-free

5. Update:

apt-get update

6. You can search/install meta-packages via apt-get now:

apt-cache search kali meta