View Full Version : Edit or add new menu items in kali 2.0

2015-08-16, 06:54
If you would like to add or edit menu items or add applications to Kali 2.0 Sana like right click allowed you too do in previous versions of Kali try this simple method:

apt-get install alacarte

open main menu thats now been added to your applications list

thats it!

P.S. If anybody has an easier way like some combination of keys and mouse clicks i'm all ears it took me forever to figure this out

2015-08-16, 20:10
How about pinning/adding a favorite to the dash-to-dock piece (alacarte did not do the trick)? It seems like executable apps are easy, but scripts/jar files cannot be added. Anyone figure out how to do this?

2015-08-17, 04:06
Not sure the exact problem your having but to add a script is the same method as in previous Kali versions open main menu in your applications and find where you would like it to be placed select new item from the menu on the right and enter your app name under "Name" window and for a script you have to alter this entry depending on the script type but for regular .sh scripts you put:
sh -c "<terminal command here;${SHELL:-bash}" Example: sh -c "wifitap -h;${SHELL:-bash}" (the -h brings it up as script help as most scripts are run this way from the Kali menu)
For scripts that you cant run just by a command in a terminal its almost the same(scripts you didn't install and need to be run by location)
sh -c "cd <location of script here>; <command to run script here>; $ {SHELL:-bash}";
Example: sh -c "cd /root/Apps/wsploit; python wsploit.py; $ {SHELL:-bash}";

Basically you need to find the path or command or both together needed to run your app/script enter it into the "Command" window of the add item screen and also if you need to check the run in terminal box to make it run.
sh -c "<all needed to run your app or script here>; $ {SHELL:-bash}"; enter them just like this minus the <> everything else stays.
select "OK"
After this has been completed open the show application button on the dock and find your new shortcut right click on this and select "Add to Favorites" which as it implies will add it to the dock on your desktop.

If i'm way off on what your looking for i am truly sorry just explain and i'll do my best to help you with it :) ....May the Stank be with you!

2015-08-18, 17:03

You are not off base, but that is not the experience that I am having with Dash to Dock. I want to favorite BurpSuite Pro. In show applications, I type /usr/bin/burp--the script I want to favorite--it does not show up. Which is weird, since that is the same location of the free version, and it does display (since not everything shows in the search, is there an index somewhere that has all the apps?).

The same script, copied to my desktop does show up in All Apps/Search (searching just on 'burp'). However, clicking on the script opens an editor (yes, it is executable). Right-clicking the script to select Open With/Other Application/View All Applications and selecting the 'Run Software' does something that takes a while, but certainly does not load Burp.

Making a .desktop shortcut does execute the program, but I cannot favorite it either.

While I can re-favorite the BurpSuite Free jar, copying the Pro jar and setting permissions to mimic it did not work either.

I also tried changing my script (from #!/bin/bash) to the format that you specified and that did not do the trick either. Of course, it too works from the command line.

But if you want to favorite Dash to Dock settings, that works. So my real question (since there is no Dash to Dock documentation) is what permits/prevents something from being added to favorites?

2015-08-20, 01:31
Ok wow I'm not sure why your having that issue because crazy as it sounds the entire reason i started this project to find a main menu editing method was so i can add Burpsuite Pro to my dock on my desktop and it worked without fail i got a screen shot of it in the side dock with the main menu window open and this is what i have in my main menu window of Burpsuite Pro
sh -c "java -jar <location of my burpsuite here>.jar"
If you still cant seem to make it happen i would be glad to help it is possible so dont give up :)

P.S. I have a couple other questions for you about your Burpsuite Pro but I'm not so sure about asking them in a forum(not sure if its allowed :) )
so if you can figure out how to msg me (i couldnt) feel free.

2015-08-20, 17:02
With alacarte, I can add the application to the menu, but still cannot favorite it--even after running it through the menu. I think Dash to Dock must be associating the process differently somehow; does not capture the executing command, so cannot favorite it? But even with an executable jar... Anyway. Hooray for different user experience. At least I can add a script to a menu.

Thanks for all the help ShatStank.

2015-08-31, 13:16
I was having this issue with eclipse, the programming IDE. I would install the program, but I was unable to add it to the Favorites dock.
The solution that worked for me was creating a .desktop (Added a template image) and then rebooting the computer.

As you can see in the screenshot, you can see eclipse and Tor on my favorites bar (Dash to Dock).
Using the template shown in the screen capture, and restarting the computer, I was able to get the desired result.


2015-09-04, 15:26
Thanks ShatStank... works fine !!

2015-09-10, 16:01
Hi Shatstank

I followed your steps exactly as you have given here however did not get to see the desired option in the Applications > System Tools > Preferences. Also I tried to open alacarte from Alt + F2, it doesnt seems to work as nothing comes up on the screen. Any suggestions would really be great. Its quite frustrating to type a command just to open google chrome or firefox.

Solved by following method:

1. You need to update Sources.List with Official stable (Wheezy) repositories for Debian appropriate to your architecture 32 / 64 bit. This link http://debgen.simplylinux.ch/ will provide you the list of repos that needs to be added in the sources.list

2. Perform update and upgrade and optionally dist-upgrade by running apt-get <action your want to perform>

3. Install "MenuLibre" a GUI utility to modify the shorcuts on the menu.

4. Then MenuLibre will be appeared in Applications > Usual Applications > Accessories.

2015-09-17, 03:18
I'm sorry i'm not sure why you had a problem because Alacarte is a regular package in the standard kali repo's and it is the same tool and gui as used in previous versions of Kali so there should not have been any problem installing and running it i will point out that it does NOT show up in your application menu as "Alacarte" it appears as "Main Menu" and menu alterations are done as in previous Kali releases which is briefly outlined in earlier posts.
Also adding Wheezy repo's can get you in to trouble down the road partly because Wheezy is an older Kernel 3.x version and there as been noted issues with the installation of such software on the new kernel 4.x used in our beloved Kali 2.0 this of course is not always the case and there is a ton of older software which works fine on the new kernel so im not at all saying you did anything wrong i also am not attacking your method i just am not sure why you had a problem using Alacarte its fairly easy to use if you know the proper command entries and you can install it without doing anything with sources or using any packages from non-standard repo's which is of course a much safer method but thank you for your imput it is always appreciated : ) and i am glad you achieved your desired results regardless how you got there.

2015-10-23, 23:23
Thanks for this Helped alot. also once adding icon to the menu - drag and drop the icon to the launcher, all works fine. keep up the good work


2015-10-30, 13:29
On the Menu Bar on the left, click on All Applications. Navigate to the program you're looking for, Right-Click, Add to Favorites.

2015-12-28, 17:01
Hmm I'm a little stuck on this.

I installed alacarte and added something through "Main Menu", but it's not showing up...


Any ideas?

UPDATE - I didn't solve the above, but for now what I was able to do is search this app in Applications (this is a more recent version that I downloaded than is what is preinstalled), both versions showed up in a search (probably because I installed alacarte and added this version there) and then I was able to right-click it and "add to favorites", this added it to the sidebar.

2017-06-17, 04:07
For Dash to Dock....
After adding application to start menu using alacarte
Go to show applications on the bottom of dock....find your application, right click over it and add to favorites.
Application will be added to dock.

as given in below thread
