View Full Version : Simple Solution to the airmon-ng-networkmanager problem in kali2.0

2015-08-17, 15:01
Here is a simple solution to the network manager interference problem.

It was suggested by seen_bawl during the negative-one problems and MTeams have been using it ever since.

Leaving network manager running

airmon-ng start wlan0
ifconfig wlan0mon down
iwconfig wlan0mon mode monitor
ifconfig wlan0mon up

Now just run airodump-ng

This works for us

To put back in managed mode

airmon-ng stop wlan0mon
ifconfig wlan0 down
iwconfig wlan0 mode managed
ifconfig wlan0 up

Musket Teams

2015-08-18, 20:12
airmon-ng isnt doing anything for you here


ifconfig wlan1 down
iwconfig wlan1 mode monitor
ifconfig wlan1 up

run airodump on wlan1

2015-08-19, 02:02
To wurmt0ngue

We wondered when someone would recognize this -well done. Our current view on this matter is as follows:

We have been going thru the lines of code in the newer airmon-ng trying to remove the inability to make multiple monitors. When placing the device into monitor mode to allow packet injection etc there is extensive use of iwconfig mode monitor in the process.

We notice with kali-2.0 that if you put the device in monitor
mode with airmon-ng,

airmon-ng start wlan0

then the airmon-ng program itself doesnot recognize that it has just completed the process. Furthermore if you try and remove the very same monitor in this case wlan0mon, airmon-ng tells you there is no monitor present and gives you a long warning message.

The only way to remove the wlan0mon thru the terminal window
is to:

ifconfig wlan0mon down
iwconfig wlan0mon mode monitor
ifconfig wlan0mon up
airmon-ng stop wlan0mon

(you could unplug the device instead)

This is telling us that the system is not recognizing that the device is in monitor mode?

Under the older airmon-ng we had a negative one issue

If after making your monitor ie mon0 you place the device wlan0 in mode monitor then the negative-one issue dissappeared and everything ran fine. Remember airmon-ng made the virtual device first.

We think the problem is the bundling of the physical device and the virtual device into one entity. This is confusing Network Manager which is trying to access a device. Since you can no longer turn off individual wifi devices and since mode monitor is not recognized then network manager keeps trying to use the device.
