View Full Version : Updating Kali 1.1.0 to 2.0.1 - RPi2 - sound/others

2015-08-18, 16:38

I've searched for some help in the threads, but with no luck.
I've used

apt-get clean && apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade

Some small updates were made, but /etc/issue shows

Kali GNULinux 1.1.0

How to make a propper upgrade to 2.0.1?
Do I have to re-image, since all my settings will be lost?
Other workarounds to install 2.0.1 with settings kept?

I don't have kali-full-install.

Also sound is not working, have alsa-utills installed, but I'm missing something.


2015-08-18, 19:44
You need to change your /etc/apt/sources.list to use the 2.0 repositories. There will not be a few small updates, there will be quite a few. Search the docs.kali.org site for the proper sources.list entries.

Sound works here, so really, until you provide a lot more information on what you've tried, dmesg output, lsmod output, so on and so forth, we can't really help

2015-08-19, 15:24
Thankyou for your answer!
I've just managed to succeed with the update proces - now i have 2.0.

the only error that I have is in kali-menu_2.3all.deb.
It says error while trying to overwrite wireshark.png< which is also in the pakage wireshark1.10.2-1~bpo70+1

do you think this is a problem?
also I cant't find a way to copy/paste from the terminal-I'm using a touchpad without middle button on my TV

Thanks agagin.

2015-08-21, 14:59
steev ?
a bit help please.

2015-08-21, 15:52
Enable multi touch in the xfce settings? Then you should be able to use multiple fingers for different clicks. Unless the touchpad doesn't support that, then you're SOL I guess. You could always select the text and then ctrl+shift+c to copy, and ctrl+shift+v to paste into the terminal.

As for the wireshark png issue, I have no idea - maybe remove the wireshark package(s) and then re-run the apt-get install?

2015-08-25, 12:33
Thankyou for your answer!

I've removed wireshak and update/upgrade happens successfully.
I'm using the deb lists pointed in Kali sources documentation:

Now etc/issue shows GNU KAli 2.0 - is it the latest version?
Also, now I have to do mount -o remonut,rw / to start startx, otherwise it says error locking the file. Is this normal?
How to be sure I'm on the latest 2.0.1?

I've also noted that:

I have to reconnect my wireless network to get internet working.
After boot, although it says "connected", there's no access.

airmon is only changing the physical interface's name from wlan1 to wlan1mon, before it was creating virtual wlan1mon on wlan1. It is now neccessary to put manualy the wlan1mon to monitor mode, before it wasn't.
Otherwise wash -i says cannot compile packet filter

Any comments appreciated.
Thanks againn.

2015-08-25, 15:43
2.0.1 as an image, only changes 2 things from the 2.0 release - it removes the "ro" from the cmdline.txt file (mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot and change the cmdline.txt ro->rw) and it enables sshd on boot, with root being able to log in using a password so that people can ssh in again and set things up. 2.0 is what the etc/issue file will show.

you can check the other threads in the forum about read only file system and see what others are doing.

As to the wireless issues, I'm not sure. I don't have that issue here, but my guess is maybe the ro filesystem is screwing it up. Also, you may want to install the kali-desktop-xfce metapackage to pull in everything we consider to be the "xfce" desktop in kali, the package wasn't installed previously, and it is on new rpi installs.

2015-08-26, 09:43
Yes, you're right. Just changed cmline.txt and everything seems to be just fine (Except the internet - I still have to reconn sometimes. It might be an Iceweasel problem, or for the reason I have 2 wireless cards). No more remounts needed.

As for kali-desktop-xfce, I've installed it and it changes some apps in a whole new and better way, thanks for that tip.
Now there's even a logon screen like other Debians.

So far I'm unable to put the sound in a good mood, there's everything loaded I think, but GStreamer says there's no audio service or device running.
Since I can now copy/paste:

GStreamer was unable to detect any sound devices. Some sound system specific GStreamer packages may be missing. It may also be a permissions problem.


Module Size Used by
evdev 9802 2
joydev 8728 0
arc4 1764 2
rt2800usb 17578 0
rt2800lib 72113 1 rt2800usb
rt2x00usb 8525 1 rt2800usb
rt2x00lib 36667 3 rt2x00usb,rt2800lib,rt2800usb
mac80211 477025 3 rt2x00lib,rt2x00usb,rt2800lib
cfg80211 384120 2 mac80211,rt2x00lib
crc_ccitt 1153 1 rt2800lib
rfkill 16205 3 cfg80211
8192cu 522055 0
snd_soc_pcm512x_i2c 1693 0
snd_soc_pcm512x 6356 1 snd_soc_pcm512x_i2c
snd_soc_wm8804 7300 0
snd_soc_tas5713 4968 0
regmap_spi 1702 1 snd_soc_wm8804
regmap_i2c 2281 3 snd_soc_wm8804,snd_soc_pcm512x_i2c,snd_soc_tas5713
snd_soc_bcm2708_i2s 6380 0
regmap_mmio 2965 1 snd_soc_bcm2708_i2s
snd_soc_core 135901 4 snd_soc_pcm512x,snd_soc_wm8804,snd_soc_tas5713,snd _soc_bcm2708_i2s
snd_compress 7507 1 snd_soc_core
snd_pcm_dmaengine 3343 1 snd_soc_core
snd_pcm 72539 3 snd_soc_wm8804,snd_soc_core,snd_pcm_dmaengine
snd_timer 17586 1 snd_pcm
snd 50582 4 snd_soc_core,snd_timer,snd_pcm,snd_compress
spi_bcm2708 5133 0
i2c_bcm2708 4924 0
fuse 81207 1
ipv6 330333 22

2015-08-26, 15:00
I'm not entirely sure on the sound issue - can you show the contents of /dev ? Also, does the speaker applet for xfce show anything? It may be a pulseaudio issue, or it may be something else - check journalctl which will show the logs, systemctl to show the output of systemd units and their status, and dmesg output would be helpful as well. You may need to install alsa-utils if it isn't already, and try something like aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Rear_Right.wav and see if that outputs anything.

2015-08-26, 19:38
the applet is faded: No valid device / element
autofs loop7 ram5 tty19 tty43 ttyprintk
block loop-control ram6 tty2 tty44 uinput
btrfs-control mapper ram7 tty20 tty45 urandom
bus mem ram8 tty21 tty46 vc-cma
cachefiles memory_bandwidth ram9 tty22 tty47 vchiq
char mmcblk0 random tty23 tty48 vcio
console mmcblk0p1 raw tty24 tty49 vc-mem
cpu_dma_latency mmcblk0p2 rfkill tty25 tty5 vcs
cuse mqueue shm tty26 tty50 vcs1
disk net snd tty27 tty51 vcs2
fb0 network_latency spidev0.0 tty28 tty52 vcs3
fd network_throughput spidev0.1 tty29 tty53 vcs4
full null stderr tty3 tty54 vcs5
fuse ppp stdin tty30 tty55 vcs6
hidraw0 ptmx stdout tty31 tty56 vcs7
hidraw1 pts tty tty32 tty57 vcsa
initctl ram0 tty0 tty33 tty58 vcsa1
input ram1 tty1 tty34 tty59 vcsa2
kmsg ram10 tty10 tty35 tty6 vcsa3
log ram11 tty11 tty36 tty60 vcsa4
loop0 ram12 tty12 tty37 tty61 vcsa5
loop1 ram13 tty13 tty38 tty62 vcsa6
loop2 ram14 tty14 tty39 tty63 vcsa7
loop3 ram15 tty15 tty4 tty7 vcsm
loop4 ram2 tty16 tty40 tty8 vhci
loop5 ram3 tty17 tty41 tty9 xconsole
loop6 ram4 tty18 tty42 ttyAMA0 zero

In systemctl there's nothing about sound, maybe something is not loading.
In journalctl is a lot of info, is there something specifix to search for?

aplay says
Playing WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/alsa/Rear_Right.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz, Mono
but can't hear anything. Alsa-utils are in.
couldn't attach dmesg.txt but same like journalctl. I don't see anything about the sound.

2015-08-26, 21:24
When in doubt, I always look at what others are doing/have documented. This is what the arch linux wiki says about the rpi and audio

https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Raspberry_Pi#Audio - you can also try searching for debian jessie audio raspberrypi

2015-08-26, 23:21
Well, tried everything in the Arch wiki - no go.
still no sound. The alsa-firmware, alsa-lib and alsa-plugins doesn't exist in the sana repos. Alsa-utils is the latest on my installation.
alsamixer says no sound cards are present. HDMI mode=2 didin't fix the things either. Tommorow I'll check with jessies.
Wonder if this is only with my Kali installment.
Apart of all the sound is ok with OSMC & Ubuntu, so it's not the hardware.

thanks anyway

2015-08-27, 01:03
The arch wiki also mentions a module that i didn't see listed in your loaded modules - i'm not near my rpi's so I can't say if it gets loaded for me or not.

2015-08-27, 06:56
got it to work.

/etc/modules was misiing all the lines, described here:


nevermind, you were right, the driver wasn't loaded. Why - I'm not sure.

Do you plan to utilise the xorg- fbturbo driver?
In ubuntu it has some better smoothness, while offloading the cpu.
Or it is already on?
I see there's hardware 2d, wich is more needed since there's no Rpi gamers at most.

glxinfo|grep rendering
direct rendering: Yes
glxinfo|grep OpenGL
OpenGL vendor string: Mesa Project
OpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer
OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 10.3.2
OpenGL shading language version string: 1.20
OpenGL extensions:


can't wait to see this in action on all Debians:

2015-08-27, 16:39
So, with the 2.0 release, we actually pulled in xorg 1.17 from rolling, as xorg 1.17 has some extra goodies in it - one of which is the modesetting bits are built into the core itself. So currently all of the ARM boards that don't have a specialized driver (and GPU bits, of course) don't really *need* an extra video driver. I have no current plans with regard to fbturbo, mostly because, well, just like fbdev before it, and armsoc driver as well, everyone has been forking and tweaking and honestly, I have too many devices to keep up on what all forks do/are what and importing them into Kali - You are free to try and test things out on your own, but as a whole, it's far too much effort for far too little payoff for myself.

And I'm glad you got the sound working. I am planning to do another release soon (tm) which bumps the kernel up to at least 4.0 instead of the 3.18 kernel, but I don't have a timeframe available for when that will happen.

As to the wayland stuff - you're more than welcome to do so as well, but until distros move away from Xorg, I don't have any plans of moving things to it, unless there's a really compelling argument (and things work as well as the current status quo)

2015-08-27, 17:27
ok, I Might try the fbturo, since it is in the Ubuntu image, thus it is possible mission.

Can you advice me for a good graphical task manager?
I've installed xfce4-task manager, but it is too far from being mandatory.
With a propper one, I would be able to estimate the benefit from fbturbo.
Another thing that I'm wondering is how to make the cpu load & temp showing on a panel - like in Raspbian. I'll keep searching.

I made a few test with airmon and, as I wrote earlier - now airmon-ng is not creating a virtual wlan0mon, but only changes the wlan0 name. Then is neccessary to use iwconfig wlan0mon mode monitor. Not a big deal, but may be something new. Never should be a problem. Or I might messed something while in ro.


2015-08-28, 05:24
I'm not sure what you mean by a graphical task manager? Honestly, I'm an older console junky, so I prefer command line. I think you'd more want to watch things like temperatures, and actual debug output, and various timings.

As for the airmon bit, I'm not sure, although I've heard of others having the same issue - something like that *might* be a bug - so I'd check the bug tracker and possibly open a new bug if one doesn't already exist (and if one was created and is now closed, perhaps a fix is needed on ARM as well?)

2015-09-01, 15:45
Well graphical I mean with buttons & colors :)
But any kind representing CPU load and temp etc. should work - do you know one?
BTW I can't start this rpi-wiggle.sh thing. In which folder is placed? Or do I have to install somethimg additioanl?
I've read this is a better method than resizing with mmcblk, because of a future backup images.


2015-09-02, 20:22
Deployed Htop - looks good, also found that simple script to read speed & temp of the RPi2 cpu:

As for the temp is ok, but speed stays constant on 600MHz, is that normal?

Still no luck with rpi-wiggle.sh, Steev any ideas?

2015-09-03, 16:48
I haven't looked into rpi-wiggle - As for the speed, I noticed that too, and I have no idea, unless their cpufreq in 3.18 is broken - If you want to throw me an email ([email protected]) I'm working on a 4.1 based image, if you want to give that a shot, I'd like to get wider testing done before releasing it.

2015-09-03, 20:09
For testing purposes I wanted to backup my installation, but can,t resize properly without rpi-wiggle. Because if I resize with mmcblk an eventual restore procedure would not be carried out properly. Anyway the speed right know is enough for what I am doing, could play a bit with config.txt and will post a result. I'll check for a spare sd card to test new builds.

p.s. Adding cpufreq=900 in the config.txt still outs 600MHz. It could be really a broken kernel or wrong cpu speed reading.

Thank you.

2015-09-04, 05:58
I've been playing with it here, and no luck on the speed - I haven't had a chance to look into the rpi-wiggle at all, as I'm focusing on a couple other boards at the moment. I'll definitely be posting in here as soon as I figure anything out.

2016-01-02, 13:44
Happy new year!

Any news on cpufreq = 900?
Some hardware accelerated windows, youtube, html5 etc?
Have heard that in future 4.5 Linux kernel, a full 2D/3D hardware acceleretion will be presented on RPi.

2016-01-25, 00:01
i have facing same problem, could you please help?

2016-02-28, 08:32
since the last update i made a script to show me the cpu temp and speed in the notification panel.
now it shows frequency reading between 900 and 600 MHz, so I think the issue was fixed.
never tried to overclock though.