View Full Version : Kali 2.0.1 on RasPI 2 problems: tightvnc, autologon

2015-08-18, 17:49
Hi all, the new kali 2 runs very well on Raspi2.
It would be nice to access the Raspi2 through VNC, but lillypad's tutorial (https://forums.kali.org/showthread.php?25472-Top-Configuration-Changes-after-installing-Kali-Linux-on-Raspberry-Pi-2) doesn't work here.
Tightvnc service fails to start, because thye :0 is already occupied.
So I reverted to automatic login plus tightvnc on :1 , but I'm not able to configure the automatic root login, because both /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf and /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf have no effect.
Any hint?

2015-08-18, 18:23
If you could post a guide on how to install kali on the Raspi 2. That would be great.
I will try to get the VNC working .

2015-08-18, 18:57
If you could post a guide on how to install kali on the Raspi 2. That would be great.
I will try to get the VNC working .

# wget http://images.kali.org/kali-2.0.1-rpi2.img.xz
# echo "25bfa54efe94f18978c9f9684c0cf1cc34e2b905 kali-2.0.1-rpi2.img.xz" > kali-2.0.1-rpi2.img.xz.sha1sum
# sha1sum -c kali-2.0.1-rpi2.img.xz.sha1sum
# fdisk -l
(Substitute mmcblk0 with your SD device)
# time xzcat kali-2.0.1-rpi2.img.xz | pv -s 7340032000 | dd of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=16M
# gparted /dev/mmcblk0 (resize ext4 partition to max)

2015-08-18, 20:15
# wget http://images.kali.org/kali-2.0.1-rpi2.img.xz
# echo "25bfa54efe94f18978c9f9684c0cf1cc34e2b905 kali-2.0.1-rpi2.img.xz" > kali-2.0.1-rpi2.img.xz.sha1sum
# sha1sum -c kali-2.0.1-rpi2.img.xz.sha1sum
# fdisk -l
(Substitute mmcblk0 with your SD device)
# time xzcat kali-2.0.1-rpi2.img.xz | pv -s 7340032000 | dd of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=16M
# gparted /dev/mmcblk0 (resize ext4 partition to max)

it worked thank you . I do have Kali 2.0 on my raspberry pi 2
but on the go without a screen it will be hard to work with it.

If you find a way to install tightvnc and autologon please let me know !

Thanky you !@