View Full Version : Background image go to black/Didn't display correctly

2015-08-28, 18:05
I hope that you understand my problem :)
What could be a problem with this issue?
Background image always go to black when I open only File Manager or if I want to open some files on hdd, and stay lake that. Only if I logout things comes to normal.
I post 2 pictures
1'st is how it look at normal mode
2'nd is how it look at "black" mode, only when I open File Manager

My question is it problems connected with video driver, xfce, file manger or something else.
Or I missed some configuration?
The strange thing is that everything works correctly and this is happen in some moment
Just like this. I did not install anything what could cause this issue?
Thank you for your help

2015-08-28, 22:13
i know this problem
this problem is you get when you add sources Mirrors unknown or unneeded
kali Linux 2.0 then update the system and upgrade ... and this is a great fault
And solve this problem you must re-default sources in distribution and which is already present and as follows
and edit

#Regular repositories
deb http://http.kali.org/kali sana main non-free contrib
deb http://security.kali.org/kali-security sana/updates main contrib non-free

#Source repositories
deb-src http://http.kali.org/kali sana main non-free contrib
deb-src http://security.kali.org/kali-security sana/updates main contrib non-free


apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

2015-08-29, 12:23
dude, thank you for your answer.
I did not change source list, but i was not like yours.?!?
I did everything as you wrote and half problem was solved.:confused:
on user account everything is ok, but on root account the problem is still present.
I tried to reinstall xfce, but it was not helpful
I am thinking that is problem with some config file or with some configuration setting,
but have no idea with which one.

p.s. did you solved problem with ufw?

2015-09-13, 13:51
this problem is happen only with default file manager, kali 2.0 64 bit
when I associated default file manager to dolphin (example could be any file manager) everything is ok