View Full Version : Create dictionary list from existing list with Crunch

2015-09-23, 11:17
Hello, :)

I would like to create a new dictionary list with a existing list.

After downloading Kali, I found articles about the tool Crunch.
Unfortunately I cannot find any good related tutorials for my project. I hope someone could help me out here. :confused:
In my existing list there are only words with low case characters.

What I would like to do is create from every word in my dictionary list the following rules:
1. A lowcase word followed by digits from 1 to 9999.
2. A word with 1 uppercase followed by digits from 1 to 9999.


till ....> bird9999
till ....> Bird9999

2015-10-09, 17:32
Hello, :)

I would like to create a new dictionary list with a existing list.

After downloading Kali, I found articles about the tool Crunch.
Unfortunately I cannot find any good related tutorials for my project. I hope someone could help me out here. :confused:
In my existing list there are only words with low case characters.

What I would like to do is create from every word in my dictionary list the following rules:
1. A lowcase word followed by digits from 1 to 9999.
2. A word with 1 uppercase followed by digits from 1 to 9999.


till ....> bird9999
till ....> Bird9999

I'm assuming this is for WPA/WPA2 cracking.. you can try crunch this way: crunch 8 8 -t bird%%%% | less
this will generate bird0001 up to bird9999. The -t option lets you set a fixed word and the % is a number that will increment.
Checkout the man pages for crunch.. lots of options to play around... Hope this helps... :)

2015-10-09, 22:44
Hey there, I wrote a decent blogpost on crunch quite a wee while ago, it may be of help ;

Some information on wordlist / string manipulation as well here ;

In your particular case it may well be quicker to first make a list containing both the lower and upper case words, and then append the numbers ;

make wordlist (wordlistU.txt) with upper case values
append it to original wordlist (wordlistL.txt)
sort the list (if thats what you want)

sed 's/^./\u&/' wordlistL.txt > wordlistU.txt #takes wordlistL.txt and makes the first letter uppercase
cat wordlistU.txt wordlistL.txt | sort > wordlistLU.txt #combines both lower and upper case wordlist, then sorts the list

As for crunch, it doesnt work so easily with variable length outputs, so you would probably have to look at a different program or quickly script something to append the 1 - 999 to each word.

For instance ;

for i in $(cat wordlistLU.txt) ; do seq -f "$i%0.0f" 0 9999; done

The above is a simple & quick operation, so the list you want can be quickly made with help of the above couple of steps.

2015-10-16, 14:29
how create wordlist with 8 words as:

(random letter)xxx999(random number)


2015-10-17, 21:53
well not particularly random, but all of them ;

./crunch 8 8 -t @xxx999%

Read up on crunch, its an awesome tool

2015-11-22, 09:49
Hi, I need a different kind of list. I could not find a reference anywhere on how to accomplish this.

I have a crunch generated wordlist file with contents like this:


Simple 6 char numeric list.

I need to have it looking like this:


In short, I would like to copy content of each line, and paste it next on original line.
Can it be done with crunch?

2015-11-24, 00:22
sed 's/^/00000/' wordlist1 > wordlist2

2015-11-24, 01:05
Sorry, misread post and this wont let me edit...

Try this instead...

create a small script called double.sh or whatever


while read line
do echo "$line$line"
done <$1

then just run double.sh wordlist.txt > wordlist-double.txt

2018-01-30, 13:28
Hi, I have been trying to make a word list using the same word but changing each letter with upper and lower case, with a number on the end. E.g


For every combination. I have watched alot of tutorials and read a fair bit on crunch. But I just can't work out how to do it, or if it can be done?

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

2018-02-14, 10:50
ESSIDPROBEWPA3-21.sh which can be downloaded thru the links found here:


uses crunch and is designed to replace characters in a string . Your wordlists must all be of the same length and placed in a specifically named folder.

Musket Teams

2018-05-09, 16:39
Using crunch version 3.6 and trying to generate a file where max and min password length is 6, the first two chars are DD, the second two chars are uppercase letters, and the last two chars are numbers. I am ALSO trying to PREVENT CONSECUTIVE repeats (except for the first two chars, of course). This is what I'm trying to accomplish:


This is what I tried, but it isn't even generating a single line:

crunch 6 6 -d 1, -d 1% -t DD,,%% -o dd.txt

How can I generate a text file where the min and max length is 6, the first two chars are DD, the second two chars are upper alpha chars without consecutive repeats, and the last two chars are numbers without consecutive repeats?

2018-05-12, 08:29
Using crunch version 3.6 and trying to generate a file where max and min password length is 6, the first two chars are DD, the second two chars are uppercase letters, and the last two chars are numbers. I am ALSO trying to PREVENT CONSECUTIVE repeats (except for the first two chars, of course). This is what I'm trying to accomplish:


This is what I tried, but it isn't even generating a single line:

crunch 6 6 -d 1, -d 1% -t DD,,%% -o dd.txt

How can I generate a text file where the min and max length is 6, the first two chars are DD, the second two chars are upper alpha chars without consecutive repeats, and the last two chars are numbers without consecutive repeats?

Working with crunch best bet is youll only get it to print out two consecutive letters so
bbaadd. Try to change your command to this. Isnt that the -d option right so -d 2. Stupid i know but thats it.