View Full Version : unable to locate package ntpdate

2015-10-31, 12:07
Hi - I've installed Kali Linux 1.1.0 b4bit inside VMware Workstation 12 (I need to run the older version of Kali, for boring reasons)

When trying to install some software I got the following error:
E: Unable to locate package ntpdate

I tried apt-get update, but I got a series of 404 errors...

Any hints?

2015-10-31, 20:09
404 is address not found, but can also mean youre offline.
I'd check your connection

ping -c4 google.com

If apt-get update has failed to renew your sources list then it could also mean that
the mirror is down, the sources.list should be as follows:


As youre running on vmware its possible your host system is blocking access
via a firewall so check all those out first.

2015-11-03, 10:50
thanks, yes it was a repositories issue!