View Full Version : Kali linux persistence problem

2015-12-22, 21:57
Hello first I'd like to tell you guys that i wouldn't be posting here if i didn't check on google, I tried to look for an answer I could not find one so I am hoping someone would be able to tell me what I'm doing wrong. It might be a really stupid mistake that I'm doing sorry if it is.
I have a macbook pro 2011.

I download kali linux 2.0 iso file onto my usb using the dd command in terminal everything is good, next I restart my computer once its done and I get the menu I load kali linux live with persistence (not encrypted) and I go on and open terminal and type gpart, i have two drives available the /dev/sda which is my main one so i switch to /dev/sdc and right click the unallocated memory with ext4 and label is 'persistence'. Next I go on terminal and type the following:

mkdir -p /mnt/my_usb
mount /dev/sdc3 /mnt/my_usb
echo "/ union" > /mnt/my_usb/persistence.conf
umount /dev/sdc3

I restart my laptop afterwards and again open kali linux live with persistence i make a file and restart it again and open kali linux live with persistence and the file does not save.

What am I doing wrong? Again sorry if it looks obvious I've been trying for so long and I couldn't figure it out. I feel that what I'm typing in the terminal is wrong please correct me. In the part where i type "my_usb" is it supposed to be something else and I'm getting mixed up? Thank you.

2015-12-23, 06:47
MTeams has no experience with mac however see if either one of these links help you:



If not maybe someone with mac experience will help you
