View Full Version : Source list error

2016-01-17, 18:19
Hi everyone !

I've got a lot of problem. I have a Oneplus One on which I installed NetHunter with "NetHunter Installer".
But I can't download commands. Same, apt-get upgrade doesn't works. I get a lot of "404 not found".

I wan't to install the last version of nethunter on https://www.offensive-security.com/kali-linux-nethunter-download/ (OnePlus One CM 12.1). But it doesn't work too ! The phone crashed at the startscreen.

So I returned to the last version with "NetHunter Installer". I'm looking for any sources.file to update it. But I don't find it !

Anyone can help me ? I'm lost for the moment ! :(

Have a nice day ! :-)

2016-01-17, 19:43
The "NetHunter Installer" is for an older version of NetHunter which includes an older chroot that has its apt sources pointed to the old Kali apt source dist tag.

Your best option right now would be to remove the chroot and try the beta installer at:

Alternatively, you can stick with the older NetHunter and just edit your apt sources at /etc/apt/sources.list to reflect the current location of Kali.
(replace " kali " with " kali-current " after the URLs in the file)
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

You will need to do this via nano on ssh if possible. Nano/vi do not work well in Terminal Emulator.
This could/would likely create a broken install.

If you cannot get the beta installer to work, you can visit us on IRC. ( https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=nethunter )
I will do everything in my power to make the new installer work for you.

2016-01-19, 20:52
The "NetHunter Installer" is for an older version of NetHunter which includes an older chroot that has its apt sources pointed to the old Kali apt source dist tag.

Your best option right now would be to remove the chroot and try the beta installer at:

Alternatively, you can stick with the older NetHunter and just edit your apt sources at /etc/apt/sources.list to reflect the current location of Kali.
(replace " kali " with " kali-current " after the URLs in the file)
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

You will need to do this via nano on ssh if possible. Nano/vi do not work well in Terminal Emulator.
This could/would likely create a broken install.

If you cannot get the beta installer to work, you can visit us on IRC. ( https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=nethunter )
I will do everything in my power to make the new installer work for you.

It's fix now !

I clean my cache & reinstall. I can install Nethunter 3 after. :D

2017-10-18, 18:50
Just an aside, I used the built-in Pico, instead of nano, (nethunter-shamu-marshmallow-3.0.zip) to edit my sources.list with the following from (https://docs.kali.org/general-use/kali-linux-sources-list-repositories):

deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main contrib non-free
deb http://old.kali.org/kali sana main non-free contrib