View Full Version : Live install failed at disk partitioning

2016-02-04, 17:37
So, I downloaded the latest 64bit ISO and used Win32DiskImager to prep an empty 1TB hard drive with it. Plugging this into my computer everything on the live version goes fin, and now I want to install it. I hit install on the boot page instead of my standard live usb boot and it takes me through the install process, everything is fine until it comes to partitioning the disk. I select to write it to the same external hard drive as the iso was written to. I select to put everything on the same partition and click through until I get to "finish partitioning and write changes to disk". Here I get the message "Partition(s) 1, 2 on /dev/sdb have been written, but we have been unable to inform the kernel of the change, probably because it/they are in use. As a result, the old partition(s) will remain in use. You should reboot now before making further changes. ERROR!!!" Ignoring this I get the error "the efi file system creation in partition #1 of SCSI7 (0,0,0) (sdb) failed." If I reboot the computer the entire thing gets screwed up. Help!?

2016-02-04, 21:36
really?!? :confused:
did you read what you wrote?!?
"I select to write it to the same external hard drive as the iso was written to" ?!?
and what about 1TB hard drive ?!?
read this first:

2016-02-05, 07:01
Apologies for not being clearer;
- I have a completely blank, unpartitioned 1TB drive
- I write the latest 64bit Kali ISO to this drive with Win23DiskImager
- I plug this drive into my laptop
- I attempt to install from the Kali boot page
- When installing, I select THE SAME 1TB hard drive that has the ISO on to partition and install Kali on
- I get the aforementioned errors

2016-02-05, 08:51
that what you want to accomplish is not possible that way.
you need another media usb or dvd to make kali boot usb/dvd and leave blank your 1TB usb drive.
and then install it on that 1TB drive