View Full Version : setoolkit - install

2016-02-21, 23:51
hi, i am running kali linux 2.0.1 on a raspberry pi 2.
i am trying out setoolkit but is giving me some errors.
can someone point me to what is wrong?

to install i run:
git clone https://github.com/trustedsec/social-engineer-toolkit/ set/
then cd to set and run

it starts and tried out 1) Social-Engineering Attacks --> 2) Website Attack Vectors --> 3) Credential Harvester Attack Method --> 1) Web Templates --> IP -->chose one of the templates:
and i get:
[!] Something went wrong, printing the error: No module named pexpect

tried to install pexpect (github) and now after running setoolkit the error i get is:
[!] Something went wrong, printing the error: No module named ptyprocess

2016-02-29, 21:50
apt-get install SET

2016-03-01, 08:39
Install dependencies:

sudo apt-get build-dep python3.2
sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev libncurses5-dev libssl1.0.0 tk8.5-dev zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev

Download Python 3.3.0:

wget http://python.org/ftp/python/3.3.0/Python-3.3.0.tgz


tar xvfz Python-3.3.0.tgz

Configure and Install:

cd Python-3.3.0
./configure --prefix=/opt/python3.3

sudo make install

Test if it worked:


if python is installed

then diretly do this

pip install pexpect or easy_install pexpect