View Full Version : How to open a second Terminal with Custom Commands

2016-04-01, 03:53
Hello everyone,

I have run into a little road block when running Custom Commands in NetHunter 3.0. Basically I need to run two Custom Commands, both in seperate Terminal Shells. The reason why I need this is because the first Command is an ongoing process until I cancel it, and the second Command is heavily dependant on the first Command actually staying alive.

My scenario: Running Ettercap and Urlsnarf at the same time.

I'm guessing there's a surprisingly easy way to achieve this kind of mastery, but I have been searching around for hours to no avail.

Of coarse any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. :cool:

2016-04-04, 10:48
First open Nethunter Terminal app.
Then start Kali linux Nethunter - Custom command - Add command :
Label :
your lable Here
Command :
echo -ne "\033]0;New Terminal\007"&& clear
Replace New Terminal with your title. and put your command after the word clear.
Hope this is the one you want.

2016-04-08, 08:26
Unfortunately that didn't work. I've tried everything. I'm all out of options.

The fact that I can't open a second Terminal with some of the standard commands in Custom Commands with the above mentioned string, suggests that I will find it pretty hard to get it working.

For now I have to open a second Terminal manually and paste in the bashes. :(

2020-05-05, 00:34
Hi there,

I am suffering from the same issue but I have found a tollerable easy way to cope up with it. Do this:

1. open up nethunter terminal in kali mode (kali, andriod, androidsu).
2. keep this terminal open.
3. Then open Nethunter App > go to custom commands > fire each of them by tapping Run button
4. Now you will see that each command will start with a new terminal window.
