View Full Version : Enable numlock by default before logging in

2016-04-20, 14:10

I am fairly new to this version of linux.

I have it set so that when it boots, it automatically boots into the GUI for the operating system. This means when I load up the OS I am greeted with a login screen. My question is how to have it so NumLock is on by default at this point.

I have looked at ways of doing it and most the ways involve using NumLockX. I have gone off several forums on how to do it, here (http://askubuntu.com/a/155683/491642), here (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock), and here (http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-linux-turn-on-num-lock-on-gnome-startup/). However they are for Ubuntu and Debian versions of Lnux and they proved unsuccessful when I tried them on Kali. Is anyone aware of how to do it on Linux Kali? I would appreciate any help.


2016-04-21, 06:42
In linux numlock is disable before logging ,there is no solution for this.Only opensuse has numlock enable default

2016-06-02, 16:05
Please install numlockx, search by on google. Than change the GDM settings adding the following code to /etc/gdm3/Init/Default:

if [ -x /usr/bin/numlockx ]; then
/usr/bin/numlockx on