View Full Version : Nexus 5 monitor mode without usb wifi card

2016-06-26, 20:17
Hello, Does anyone test this kernel https://dev.seemoo.tu-darmstadt.de/bcm/bcm-public on nethunter ? is it working well ?

2016-07-03, 18:08
Hi! I am also interested in this topic, if you look at the official thread source Offensive Security, https://github.com/offensive-security/kali-nethunter there according to the configuration devices.cfg, find the line:

# Nexus 5 with Nexmon Wireless Monitoring
author = "Binkybear"
version = "1.0"
kernelstring = "NetHunter kernel Nexmon"
arch = armhf
devicenames = hammerhead
block = /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/boot

I tried to compile this kernel to flash after switching on Nexus'a, internal WiFi to work in normal mode, refused, as I could not translate it in monitor mode and force you to scan the network...
For your kernel idea, you need to patch the other functions of the HID type Attack, etc...
I now tried to flash the kernel https://dev.seemoo.tu-darmstadt.de/bcm/bcm-public on top of NetHunter, oddly enough, the system is stable with no errors booted, I was able to load the kernel module, however, after you enter the command ifconfig displays only the local interface and the internal wifi is not working.
I don't know if this kernel will only work with stock or AOSP, CM, etc...

2016-08-16, 07:32
Hi, I am one of the nexmon developers. The nexmon boot.img deactivates the wpa_supplicant and p2p_supplicant services as they always try to pull up the wifi interface, which is very annoying when developing new firmware patches. In the end, you only need to integrate the bcmdhd driver and the resulting firmware from https://dev.seemoo.tu-darmstadt.de/bcm/bcm-public/tree/master/firmware_patching/nexmon into the Nethunter kernel to activate monitor mode and frame injection for Nethunter on the Nexus 5.

We also recently figured out, that only three lines of additional code in the bcmdhd driver are sufficient to simply activate monitor mode without injection. See: https://dev.seemoo.tu-darmstadt.de/bcm/bcm-public/commit/ed11c18aa89cd0374a3ce7655337cc0e4d1cdd0a
This could help to also activate monitor mode on other Broadcom WiFi chip based devices without patching the firmware.

2016-09-03, 01:53
I played around with on my nexus 5 with the hammerheadmon build which should include the nexmon kernel.
i built from git (nethunter-hammerheadmon-marshmallow-kalifs-full-20160903_015850.zip).

i also couldn't get it to run. wifi is unusable as the wireless driver isn't loaded by default.

i tried to load the module

adb shell
insmod /data/local/nhsystem/nexus5/bcmdhd.ko
ifconfig wlan0 up

it seems the wireless interface gets loaded - although wireless is still unusable on android (normal usage and monitoring mode):

wlan0 Link encap:UNSPEC
RX packets:20089 errors:0 dropped:20089 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:3451420 TX bytes:0

does anyone have a clue which steps need to be performed to get wifi running with the hammerheadmon build?