View Full Version : adb cannot find Nexus 10 device.

2016-08-07, 20:30
I’m having same problem on mac os x as well as in Kali Linux.
when I run
adb kill-service

I get empty device list
jamesk@HOME~/Desktop/nh/nethunter-LRT-master-> adb kill-server
jamesk@HOME~/Desktop/nh/nethunter-LRT-master-> adb start-server
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
jamesk@HOME~/Desktop/nh/nethunter-LRT-master-> adb devices
List of devices attached


here is what i’ve done
1. I entered the vendor ID in ~/.android/
I made this entry in ./android/adb_usb.ini

2. I chose Camera (PTP) in settings>storage>usb connections Camera(PTP)

3. on linux i did above plus entered apprpriate udev rule

4. device is in developer mode

5. I unplugged and replugged the tablet

no mater what I do ADB CANNOT SEE THE NEXUS 10

Any advice would be appreciated.