View Full Version : Capturing / Cracking Multiple Handshakes

2016-09-17, 19:45
Just wanted to know if its possible to crack multiple WPA2 handshakes in one process.


I am using Pyrit / Reaver to crack a WPA2 cpa file with one handshake in it. It takes about a week to crack 8 character wifi password.

Is it possible, i can add 3/4 handshakes in one files or add multiple handshakes and as it goes through A-Z it cracks them?


2016-09-17, 21:45
one process = one crack against one handshake

2016-09-18, 00:11
Thank you so much.

one process = one crack against one handshake

2016-09-20, 06:02
Someone said to combine the .hccaps and then run hashcat against the combined .hccap thus:
cat file1.hccap file2.hccap > newfile.hccap
Of course, you can only attack "newfile.hccap" against one mask at a time. Can't wait to try it!