View Full Version : Nexus 6 External Wifi Error

2016-11-14, 23:59
I've run into an issue with the airmon-ng command. When executing the command, it recognizes that there is a physical device that hasn't been assigned an interface and it asks if you would like to assign it. Answering y returns that there is an error(

root@kali:~# airmon-ng
Found phy0 with no interfaces assigned, would you like to assign one to it? [y/n] y

ERROR adding monitor mode interface: command failed: Operation not supported (-95)

PHY Interface Driver Chipset

phy0 wlan0 ?????? non-mac80211 device? (report this!)

I didn't have an external wifi card on me at the time of posting this thread but even when one is plugged in via OTG adapter it returns a similar output where the driver is unknown and the chipset is a non_mac80211. I've seen people with similar issues on a few forums but I haven't seen any straight forward fixes. Is there a software fix to this problem that anyone is aware of? Any feed back would be appriciated. Running android 6.0.1 and nethunter 3.0

2016-11-16, 00:21
I have joined the forum to ask the about the same question. I also am on a nexus 6 with marshmallow and nethunter.
I have spent days now trying to get my alfa wifi dongle to work.
And as the poster above I get the same error
anyone help???

2016-11-17, 07:23
I have tried two different external wifi dongles with no luck not sure what the issue is. I haven't found a straight forward answer anywhere