View Full Version : gtk3 theme not working

2017-01-13, 00:45
Hello.. sorry if I picked up wrong category.

I have been playing around with gtk themes from gnome-look.org, I use default gnome 3 enviroment.

I found this theme: http://computingforgeeks.com/best-gnome-gtk3-themes-for-kali-linux-2-0debian-and-ubuntu/

I followed instructions (well, I didn't, I did exactly the same before I found this instruction but I post it here for you to see what I have done)

Theme is installed but when I activate theme using preinstalled tweak tool, (shell and gtk) it looks just terrible. I did try to use different themes as well but all of them looks terrible.
I believe Im doing something wrong.. I simply put theme in /usr/share/themes. theme is found by tweak tool but when activated, looks like this: Screenshot here (https://s30.postimg.org/kydk1nyz5/Screenshot_from_2017_01_13_00_40_59.png)

and it supposed to look like this: photo of original vertex theme here (https://cn.pling.com/img//hive/content-pre1/166318-1.jpg)

What am I doing wrong please?

thanks in advance