View Full Version : Control raspi via vnc secure

2017-03-28, 22:06
Dear community,

I hope you are well!
I am doing my first steps with Kali linux. First i installed it on a separate partition which worked fine. But since I also might want to install some programs from github/other sources to play with but whose code of course I cant completely oversee, I decided, that I dont want to have it on my main computer, maybe I am a little paranoid. Therefore I bought a raspberry pi and installed Kali successfully today. Since at home I don't have a screen that I can connect the pi to, i thought about either buying a small hdmi screen like 5 inch from wavemaker or controlling the pi over vnc.
Now to my question:
Is it a security risk to connect my main computer with personal data ... to the pi via vnc in case I unknowingly install something that either contains malware or backdoors?

Im interested in your opinion!


2017-04-10, 09:56
Curious about this as well, hopefully someone will reply.