View Full Version : Masscan UI // Webpage ~ php5 php5-mysql mysql-server

2017-07-01, 21:17
Hi, I was hoping to get the masscan web interface up running via this 'https://www.offensive-security.com/offsec/masscan-web-interface/' outline and found my repositories didnt have the packages, however "Any additional repositories added to the Kali sources.list file will most likely BREAK YOUR KALI LINUX INSTALL." in official documentation dissuaded me from adding debian repositories.

How should I install php5 php5-mysql mysql-server? I'd rather not have to do it from source; but will if I have to. Thanks!

2017-07-01, 23:20
PHP was upgraded since that post. You might want to try:
php php-mysql mysql-server
Or just apt-cache search for the corresponding updated packages.

2017-07-02, 13:16
It likely specifies to use php5 as php7 is unsupported by most projects, regardless, it still says no mysql-server is available in the repositories.