View Full Version : Using AWUS1900

2017-11-27, 13:24
Hello Kali Linux Community, I have come across reading that the Alfa AWUS1900 wifi adapter is good for kali.
However, I would like to know if packet injection, monitor mode, sniffing, and all the works for capturing a wpa handshake is possible with just this adapter.
I apologize in advance if this question has been solved as I am looking to either buy the Alfa AWUS1900 VS Alfa AWUS036ACH.
Please reply when you can, anyone & Thanks again for any help anyone may provide.

2017-11-28, 12:20
It all really comes down to the chipset. If the chipset is listed as compatible here on the forums, and/or over at aircrack-ng.org, then you should be good.

However, before you buy, verify you can return the card to the vendor...just to be safe :)