View Full Version : Commentary in pixiewps 1.3 and reaver 1.63

2017-12-04, 13:21
For those either new to pixiewps 1.3 and reaver 1.63 or tryiing to implement these programs a short guide is provided

The data labels in reaver 1.63 text output have been changed

Reaver output pixiewps arguments

Enrollee Nonce = --e-nonce

DH own Public Key = --pkr

DH peer Public Key = --pke

AuthKey = --authkey

E-Hash1 = --e-hash1

E-Hash2 = --e-hash2

Registrar Nonce = --r-nonce

Reaver 1.63 outputs the hex strings with spaces between each hex character in the

string. Pixiewps will not accept the hex string in this format. You can replace

the spaces with colons.

The following would change a string variable with spaces to a text string where

spaces become colons:


You can check the hex string variable length with the following:


If your hex strings have spaces or colons then lengths are listed below:

${#ENONCE} = 47

${#PKE} = 575

${#RNONCE} = 47

${#PKR} = 575

${#AUTHKEY} = 95

${#HASH1} = 95

${#HASH2} = 95

wiire provides a logfilter.py program which can extract a pixiedust data sequence

as required by pixiewps1.3 and conducts a mode three attack.

The command line arguments can be found in the following thread along with program download links:

See https://forums.kali.org/showthread.php?38127-Data-gathering-for-pixiewps-(pixie-dust-attack)

MTeams are working on a updated PDDSA(pixiedust data sequence analyzer which will allow other pixiewps modes.

Musket Teams

2017-12-06, 01:12
Reaver 1.63 outputs the hex strings with spaces between each hex character in the string. Pixiewps will not accept the hex string in this format.
Not true. Since version 1.0.0 you can format with: -, :, space, or without (it's written in the README too). Of course, you need double quotes if you use space. See image below.


wiire provides a logfilter.py program which can extract a pixiedust data sequence
as required by pixiewps1.3 and conducts a mode 3 attack
The tool is by rofl0r. Not sure what you mean with mode 3. It just creates the command, it's then up to pixiewps to choose what to do.

EDIT: See image

2018-01-13, 12:12
Not true. Since version 1.0.0 you can format with: -, :, space, or without (it's written in the README too). Of course, you need double quotes if you use space. See image below.


The tool is by rofl0r. Not sure what you mean with mode 3. It just creates the command, it's then up to pixiewps to choose what to do.

EDIT: See image

Didnt you wiire write the pixiewps progrma itself or did you concribure to writing it. Well done.