View Full Version : cloning a kali vm

2018-02-19, 20:45
Hi guys,

New user, non-linux background here.

So i need to deploy a kali linux(64b) installation on several win 7 computers. They are VT capable and are using Virtual Box as local hypervisors.
I installed the latest distribution on a VM, set the root password & completed installation. As a next step, via Virtual Box, I cloned the machine and distributed it on the network.
Ultimately, I added manually the cloned machine to each hypervisor.

The machines boot up but the root's password is not accepted(neither the "default" root password "toor").
I wasn't able to find the reason behind this and right now i've installed each machine from scratch. However I would like to know if this is some sort of limitation of Kali or if I'm missing something.
note: a win clone of win10 works without problems.
Thank you for all your feedback.

2018-02-19, 21:36
Not gonna solve your problem and my guess is that you chose a different password.

Not sure why you're cloning the machines, just a copy/paste of the files on the different computers is good enough.

2018-02-20, 01:41
little does it matter right now why/how i duplicated the machine.
what i am trying to achieve is to find out the reason why the root password won't work after this process. Is this intentional? Am i doing something wrong? If the root password is reset/ereased after a cloning process, wouldn't the system have to ask automatically for a new one? What am i missing?

note: haven't tried creating a local user and see if its password works after vm cloning