View Full Version : Could not wait for server -fd select (11: temporarily unavailable) [IP: 443]

2018-07-03, 03:01
Hi , (I'm finding this a bit hard to explain so please ask me as many questions and I will provide the proper logs or whatever is needed)

My raspberry pi 3b is having some very strange issues and after a couple days of googling and trying different things I still can't seem to figure it out.

The result of uname -a
Linux Kali 4.9.59-v7_Re4son-Kali-Pi+ #1 SMP Wed Feb 14 20:50:28 CST 2018 armv7l GNU/Linux

so what's happening :

every time I want to run a command (apt-get update, apt-get upgrade , apt-get install ... , etc.) the command runs but then it slows and the progress begins to stop , I found that the only way to get the install/update/upgrade to proceed the download is to reconnect the wifi (even though the wifi is supposedly still connected). If I don't reconnect the wifi then I will get the following error (almost like a timeout error?)

E: Failed to fetch https://archive-7.kali.org/kali/pool/main/g/gnome-theme-kali/gnome-theme-kali_2018.3.0_all.deb
Could not wait for server -fd select (11: temporarily unavailable) [IP: 443]

Some of the things I've done to try and solve the issue:
apt-get clean
set the power management off (iwconfig)
run command -> echo "deb https://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list

Thank you in advance for any help

2018-07-03, 09:37
What is the result of the following commands?

cat /etc/resolv.conf

2018-07-03, 19:27
After Ping I get a consistent ping stopped after 10 packets , 0% data loss

result of cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by NetworkManager
search hsd1.il.comcast.net
nameserver 2001:558:feed::1
# NOTE: the libc resolver may not support more than 3 nameservers.
# The nameservers listed below may not be recognized.
nameserver 2001:558:feed::2

2018-07-09, 16:15
Hi Muts , any further steps you would like for me to do?

2018-07-16, 06:40
t00tz, if you can, try to upgrade to the latest kernel - since we don't include the package in kali itself yet, we have builds of the debs on the nethunter github - you can find the latest release at https://github.com/nethunteros/rpi-kernel/releases - it might take a while to get them because they're big files, but the only file required is the raspberrypi-kernel_20180713-010442_armhf.deb for updating the kernel.

Let me know if this helps your issue at all? You might want to download it using wget since wget will let you continue a download.