View Full Version : One metesploit listener , connected to one of two computers

2018-10-21, 02:29
i have a burning questions for those of you more experienced in metasploit/armitage ,
i want to create a simple Android listener but i want to listen from one of two computers
with different IP addresses, all are on the same network but i may have to switch computers
at my end ,is that possible???

Use computer 1--------OR NUM 2-------------------------------------------------!
only one at a time --------------------------------------------------------------- VICTIM
Use computer 2---------OR------NUM 1----------------------------------------------!

Linux kali 4.18.0-kali2-amd64

2018-10-21, 08:24
I think you are using the payload /android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp on android. If this is the case, when you create the apk, you can use a domain name as LHOST parameter and maybe you can use a free domain name from no-ip.com.
Then you can assign at your router that domain name and redirect connection from LPORT of that router to one or another machine of your LAN