View Full Version : New member post approval

2020-01-19, 21:08
10. (New) Members.

New member's posts will be moderated first, causing a delay in the post appearing. DO NOT report problems with your post not appearing instantly during this period of your membership.

This is all I can find regarding this. How long does this moderated phase last? Having to wait hours for a single reply to be approved is pretty aggravating so I am trying to get an idea on how long this will last. If it's just like 5 or 10 posts I can deal with that, but if it's like 30 days or something I'll probably stick to Discord.


Edit: Maybe it's already over? Or maybe people can post unmoderated to Community Feedback?

2020-02-09, 00:20
"Edit: Maybe it's already over? Or maybe people can post unmoderated to Community Feedback?"

No :(