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View Full Version : Stuck on unpacking python3-blinker

2020-06-05, 15:25
Just installed kali nethunter on my android device, and
apt-get upgrade stuck at
"preparing to unpack python3-blinker_1.4+dfsg1-0.3_all.deb". I've tried to
apt purge python3-blinker and
apt purge python3-blinker and apt remove python3-blinker -y && apt autoremove -y, but it also stucked. I also tried to reinstall and
dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/python3-blinker_1.4+dfsg1-0.3_all.deb, but the result is the same. Then I tried to exclude this package while upgrading, and have error with dependencies. Manually downloading and unpacking alsi failed. Now, dpkg logs says that its half-configured and I don't know what to do. There is plenty of free storage for upgrade.