View Full Version : Is kali the best os for learning ethical hacking?

2020-07-04, 07:43
I have enough extra PC parts laying around to make a second computer so I am putting one together that I want to use strictly for learning/practicing ethical hacking. I have tried Kali on the raspberry pi but it's just not enjoyable on such a limited device (relatively speaking).
I looked around online and everyone just says download Kali ,xp , and windows 10 as VMs so I would guess any OS would work but what I want to know is Kali the best is to put on the computer itself and then get the xp VM on Kali? I have seen some people using parrot os would it be better to put that on the machine and get Kali and xp as VMs then?

2020-07-17, 01:51
If you are interested in ethical hacking, and you are new to linux, Parrot will be easier for you to use thanks to the Mate desktop (kali uses gnome).
If that is not a problem for you then you can choose for your likes, Kali is mainly focused on pentesting while Parrot is focused on cryptography and anonymity.
Lastly, you should consider that the Kali team is much larger than the Parrot, which is a few Italian hackers, and if Kali has many bugs, you can imagine how parrot will be.

I hope I've helped :)