View Full Version : Kali 2020.2 apt-get update issue

2020-08-05, 19:27
I have been trying to update my software and tools on Kali 2020.2 but when I use apt update or sudo apt-get update I get errors. This happens during fetching and verification. I do have a strong connection, tried two forms of internet connections but still nothing. I have tried these methods. https://www.ojoiszy.com/apt-get-install-update-not-working-in-kali linux/#:~:text=How%20to%20Fix%20apt%2Dget,Working%20in%2 0Kali%20Linux%202020.2&text=This%20problem%20might%20likely%20be,%E2%80%9 Cping%20google.com%E2%80%9D. (https://www.ojoiszy.com/apt-get-install-update-not-working-in-kali-linux/#:~:text=How%20to%20Fix%20apt%2Dget,Working%20in%2 0Kali%20Linux%202020.2&text=This%20problem%20might%20likely%20be,%E2%80%9 Cping%20google.com%E2%80%9D.)

If anyone can give me any feedback that would be great.

2020-08-16, 06:12
Can you share the error? its not possible to say anythind without seeing what kind of error.It is not possible to say anything without seeing what kind of error it received.It is not possible to say anything without seeing what kind of error it receivedIt is not possible to say anything without seeing what kind of error it received.

2020-08-17, 19:18
Just use apt update && apt upgrade -y