View Full Version : Installing Kali to Raspberry Pi 4 via SSH (headless)

2020-09-12, 04:09
Hello all. I need some help with this one. I seem to have bypassed all of the normal Kali configuration that happens during a normal initial boot up.

I mounted a Kali image to an SD card and I am running it in a Raspberry Pi 4. I was able to get into the box through another machine via SSH, and I was even to able to get a remote desktop up. But absolutely nothing is configured because I never went through those initial steps.

Is there any way to rectify this and configure the OS properly? I'm trying to run this as a remote-access box thus trying to avoid using a monitor.

Any help is appreciated.


2020-10-17, 15:30
Follow those steps then you can connect via Remote Desktop(RDP) and do all you need

adduser mike #Add a user for remote login. Set a password and other info.
sudo apt-get update #Get an updated list of installable packages
sudo apt-get install xrdp #Install the RDP server
sudo systemctl start xrdp #Start the base XRDP server
sudo systemctl start xrdp-sesman #Start the XRDP session manager