View Full Version : Red Tint/Screens after Login

2022-03-21, 18:46
Hello everyone,

I'm still a little new to Linux and Kali.

I have a dual boot system and my Kali setup has changed somehow but I don't know what has triggered it.
Right after login my screen/desktop has a red tint to everything. I know it's not my video card or screen because when I login to Windows or Debian everything is working fine.
I've rarely used my Kali install but just got into it to see if there is anything I need to update and install in preparation for a training course. This behavior is new. The last several times I entered Kali everything seemed to be working fine with the display.

Any help would be appreciated. I'm hoping to avoid having to re-install Kali but I won't be losing anything if I have to.

It would be nice to know what caused this issue too so if I can avoid it I will.



2022-06-07, 02:26
To anyone else who may encounter this issue:
It was the nouveau graphics drivers causing this, on a 30 series nvidia gpu.
Solution is to install nvidia drivers

2022-06-14, 04:29
Was your computer running with NVidia GPU? If yes, it should be your driver issue. Install the driver if the kernel driver in use is showing nouveau.

To check the exact GPU installed.

lspci | grep -i vga

To check the kernel driver in use. (xx:xx.x was the numeric number showing infront of your display driver)

lspci -s xx:xx.x -v

Type following command to install the NVidia driver (if you're running in Nvidia driver).

sudo apt install -y nvidia-driver nvidia-cuda-toolkit