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Thread: tethering not working

  1. #1
    Join Date

    tethering not working

    I just installed 5.19.0-kali2-amd64 2022.3. mobile tethering worked in my previous version of Kali. When iphone is setup for tethering, and I connect the cable, im prompted on the phone to allow/disallow access to photos. I press yes, and iphone shows up under my file manager, and I can access the DCIM photos folder from the laptop. I used to be able to transfer files back and forth under the iphone documents folder, but this folder doesnt appear in my file manager anymore. On my fresh installation ifconfig -a shows that when the phone is plugged in, it doesn't even register an interface. My attempted solution was to run sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask 2555.255.255.240., which was the old OS settings that worked. When I run this command, the networking icon shows it's connected, but no connectivity actually takes place, and the iphone doesnt show the green status connection bar at the phones screen top. In the past I found I had to fiddle with the /etc/resolv.conf entries, which were overwritten with each connection attempt, but simply adding, or would fix the issue. Wifi hotspot works well, but I prefer usb cable only.

    Thoughts anyone..?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    If you let it access the files, its likely being mounted as an media device (MTP) and cannot then be used as a modem, you need to not let it access files, and mount it as a USB modem only. With Android you can choose the connection type in the device settings, I'm not in poseesion of an iphone to check if it has those settings too?

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