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Thread: Installing Kali Linux on a single SSD Partition, keeping other partitions unaffected(!) ?

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Question Installing Kali Linux on a single SSD Partition, keeping other partitions unaffected(!) ?

    Hello there,

    I've been using Kali for a while in Dual Boot with Windows 11 and along with Virtual Machines. Now I've made my mind to switch to move on to Kali Linux fully. I have current partitions in my SSD (240GB) and HDD(1TB):
    1. C: (SSD Partition 1)
    2. D, E, F, G (HDD Partitions)
    3. S: (SSD, using for some software installations only)

    So, all I want to know that if it's possible for me to install Kali Linux only in my C(SSD Partition 1) only, keeping all the other partitions of my HDD and SSD unaffected? And can I access those drives normally after installation (if possible)?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
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    Installing Kali Linux on a single SSD Partition, keeping other partitions unaffected(?)

    Kali installation for newbies is preferable to select the default option after selection of target install location because it keeps things clean, experts can manipulate or chose other options since they understand what they are up against.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Windows uses NTFS, so you would have to first reformat the SSD drive and you could then install Kali. This can be done from a Kali installer ISO burned to a USB drive and then booted from.

    After Kali was successfully installed and bootable, you would then need to use something like fuse to be able to access your other, still NTFS formatted drives from Kali;

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